thesjkexperience wrote:One thing about Bjorn's pedals is you need to move the knobs now and again. I was switching around the order to see if anything interesting popped up. No luck, but moving things around did move the knobs slightly. I usually run the VOL -8, DIST -1 and VOICE at -9 to keep it darker for my Strats, but it did tend to be too bright on the bridge. I bumped the VOICE to 10:30 and it sounds better on all pickups and is less bright, but more even and usable! I never saw that coming!
That still is a most under-rated pedal...simply as a boost/tone enhancer it absolutely excels. I knew/heard that the minute I first plugged it in.
It pays to sit with that one and just play around with the voice knob, and REALLY listen to the MANY tone shadings to be had, and just how the mids shift around.
Do this at gig volumes to really dial it in, and BTW, I have had no problem adjusting the internal treble knob real-time to really line things up frequency-wise with my rig(of course you want to be careful not to short anything out which is why the warning is on there inside)...then the pedal just sings.
BJ packs a lot into that one for just three knobs on top...CAF, completely different animal, but again like the EGDM, that nature knob offers SO many different settings, not only depending on where it's set, but it's interactivity and response with where the fuzz knob is set...another over-looked one.
Hey, that's why I always say on these forums,
type less and play more!