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Your Favorite BJFE pedal

Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:23 pm
by Donner
I asked this of BJ and I guess its also valid for the rest of us - Whats your favorite (and why)?
I recently started using t he DRD again alot as I realized as much as I liked it, I hadnt been using it much and hadnt really tried it since I switched to Greenback speakers and OMG!!!! Its just perfect would probably be the DRD or the Model R ..... this week

Sun Mar 04, 2007 5:56 pm
by cabo
Are we talking overall or just this week? Very hard to decide either way. Between all the drives, dist, boost, modulations and others, it is a very tough call.
Overall maybe the PGC or SBEQ due to versitility, this week I would say VCF. I cant get enough of that thing

. Really fun to play.
Most weeks my favorite would be decided upon my mood

Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:19 pm
by Donner
right, its just an excuse to wax poetic on your bjfe sitch......
and like you said PGC ~ SBEQ is amazing - actually you could probably put just about anything in between that pair and it would kill
its also fun to flip that bracketing pre- EQ and post Comp.....

Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:20 am
by thebot75
OK, at the moment it's the Honey Bee as that's my only one, but just ordered a PGC so hopefully soon I'll have a tougher decision for the answer!

Mon Mar 05, 2007 6:11 am
by Teahead
For the last couple of months the MGMV has held my attention more than any other. I hated just about any and all modulation before I tried the Mini Vibe, now I can barely bring myself to switch it off.
Better yet, I don't stomp on it and think "Ah, Jimi" or anyone else for that matter, it's unique and distinctively becomes My Sound. MGMV is certainly the most inspiring effect to play. The PGC would be my most used BJFE pedal and for a long time would also have been classed as my favourite.
Like cabo, this week has been all about the VCF.

Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:07 pm
by sartre
It depends upon the style but I would say the SBEQ. Works to boost any pedal, works great after pedal and just makes any amp sound bigger when used alone. Next would be the LGW for just blasting the front end of an amp.

Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:13 pm
by DocRock
I'm sure you guys are sick of hearing about it, but my DAOD is my favorite BJF...probably because it was designed for a very specific tone I was after.
But that new MP Delay is awesome.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:18 am
by DC Daniels
Wow...only one? That's gonna be tough. I have a few combos that really work for me, the PGC into the LGW. Very, very nice. And the CAF into the HB produces some killer fuzz tones.
But if it's just one, it would have to be the one I have used the most, the HB. So dynamic and musical and turns a clean blackface into a sticky beast.

Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:42 am
by Steven
I got me a LGW a few weeks ago and I have realised that not only does it sound fantastic by itself - it also stacks perfectly with fuzzes. I have been trying to find a fuzz that sounds good into my amps (a 71 Twin and a BJr) and now I run my Sunface into the LGW and voila - no harshness! geting a good fuzz sound out of a clean Fender amp has been inpossible for me. I have never had any success stacking a fuzz into an other dirtpedal before but now I can get all those great fuzz sounds without hauling a Plexi to the gigs.

Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:07 pm
by Beckanon
I guess I will always have a sweet spot for the Dyna Red. I haven't heard another pedal that covers similar ground in such a nice way. The LGW is a close second.
Last year, Don, you let me try the latest version EGDM and I liked it a lot better than the original (trimpot I guess). In fact I remember using it at a gig and it became the only pedal I used for dirt that blends very well with the Rt.66 amp. I have given thought to having Bjorn do up a pedal that is a marriage of EGDM - DRD somehow. I should follow through on that.