Pine Green Compressor LOVE

i have come to the conclusion that if i could only have ONE BJFe would be the PGC.
the Pine Green comes to nearly EVERY gig situation with me.
sounds great on ACOUSTIC guitar.
for my electric gigs, it really makes the guitar JUMP OUT of the mix, and makes it EASIER to play rhythm guitar consistently with even volume levels.
i really love the PINE GREEN. and it has that magic BJFe "sparkle" like the SBEQ. if you turn down the compressor knob, you can use the PGC more as a "sweetener" like the SBEQ.
i was using the PGC last nite at a gig in Key West, and it made me fall in love with it all over again
the Pine Green comes to nearly EVERY gig situation with me.
sounds great on ACOUSTIC guitar.
for my electric gigs, it really makes the guitar JUMP OUT of the mix, and makes it EASIER to play rhythm guitar consistently with even volume levels.
i really love the PINE GREEN. and it has that magic BJFe "sparkle" like the SBEQ. if you turn down the compressor knob, you can use the PGC more as a "sweetener" like the SBEQ.
i was using the PGC last nite at a gig in Key West, and it made me fall in love with it all over again