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Using a RRB as a buffer?

Sat Mar 27, 2010 10:29 am
by jdandry
So..kinda sounds funny but I'm sure other have this issue, I kinda have too many boosts/od/dist. Right now I have a DRD, FFDLX, KOT and a RRB plus, my main overdrive is my cranked amp. All the pedals are just for shades of different gain levels for leads/heavy OD rhythm. Now with the KOT I have another really good 2 ods in one pedal other than the BJfe stuff. So...I am waiting for a Vox Italy wah in the mail and looking for a old script phase 90, both of which are non-true bypass + a line of 6 or so TB pedals. I know this will tone suck a little (but somewhat in a good way..soften/round highs, boost apparent mids a touch..really suck lows and highs:-)..but I will also loose some punch and overall umph. Now to the question... Instead of using the RRB for a "booster" would it be ideal to act as a buffer maybe after all my drive pedals, before phasers/delay? I tried my hand at a Folk Buffer but couldn't get any sound to pass..I do have a cool looking complete Vero to look at:-)..I'd buy a Folk Buffer if someone wanted to build one for me, I wish I could afford a BPB...I like the ideal of the RRB if it would be an ideal application for it, maybe better at 18v for that use? Thanks for any suggestions and sorry for the long post!!
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Sat Mar 27, 2010 11:51 am
by thesjkexperience
I havent tried the RRB, but all other boosters of that type tend to thin out when I roll the volume back. You might consider the SBEQ for what you are describing as you can get a volume boost out of it and tone shaping if you want it.
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:17 pm
by BJF
Just set the gain on RRB to zero and you have a gain of about one times and it will buffer when on.
On your folk buffer build it will work if you fault find it and perhaps a faultfinding course can be put together...
Be well
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:32 am
by Donner
Good Point - the RRB itself I beleive is non buffered in bypass...
But it is a buffer when engaged.....
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:33 am
by Donner
thesjkexperience wrote:I havent tried the RRB, but all other boosters of that type tend to thin out when I roll the volume back. You might consider the SBEQ for what you are describing as you can get a volume boost out of it and tone shaping if you want it.
Do you have any of the 'treble retention' mods on your volume control ... what do you mean by thinning out ?
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:03 am
by jdandry
I'm waiting for my wah to get here and I'll try some stuff. I guess the RRB has a little
too much top to use as a booster for my overdriven amp. BUT I'm going to try it set to 0
as a buffer after the drives. I think it will be perfect, unless I like the sound of the loss through
the wah. I'll have to see. Quick story, Maybe alot of us know..but...Bjorn kinda mentioned it in
a round about way in his writings about buffers.
Experiment: Put your fav. vintage wah, maybe not all but in my experience, VOX clyde Sig.
various Italian V846s, with standard vintage switch aka:tonesuck,
into the loop of a true bypass looper. plug it all up to a older Marshall..Treble channel, where most plug into.
Get your strat and crank it up. First without the wah in the path..(loop, bypassed) don't turn the wah on
but just click it into the signal path. Now ...tell me you want that Wah true-bypassed. Bjorn said that Jimi's rig would
have been shrill with George l's....same concept. All these classic players had loads of tonesuck...but
very warm, rich tones. I don't know...always has been my though..but there is a point...when you
just need a buffer. Hope that makes sense...I am writing this quick because I gotta get out the door for school!
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:01 pm
by Donner
COILY CORD !!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:06 pm
by thesjkexperience
Donner wrote:thesjkexperience wrote:I havent tried the RRB, but all other boosters of that type tend to thin out when I roll the volume back. You might consider the SBEQ for what you are describing as you can get a volume boost out of it and tone shaping if you want it.
Do you have any of the 'treble retention' mods on your volume control ... what do you mean by thinning out ?
I do have a cap and resistor volume mod which may be why treble boosters thin out (fuzz faces do too) when I roll the volume down. Is the volume mod the reason I get so much thinning out?
I did come across some PIO caps for both my tone controls and to use as a volume mod.
Re: Using a RRB as a buffer?

Tue Mar 30, 2010 8:58 pm
by jdandry
I've messed around alot with the treble bleeds and some pedals do their own "keeping the brightness" when the volume on the guitar is turned down, like a Fuzz Face. Some don't. I don't know the electronics behind it but I use my ear, I've had problems with my neck pickup and fuzzes because of that, still do. Don't seem to need the treble bleed on my bridge. (Humbuckers by the way).