Yeah this is an easily under appreciated pedal.
Its two bands are correctly tuned to center freqs that most effect most guitar sounds - they are a bit different than whats on most guitar amps and graphic EQs.....
This is what your amps bass and treble controls SHOULD sound like ...
another problem with EQs is usually once you start adding or subtracting much you start getting dropouts and phase cancellations between the bands... the SBEQ is built to keep your tone as pure as possible and it also is built to take abuse and lightly distort in a pleasing way when pummeled by high gain signals ...... most EQs can do some ugly things when pushed.....
so really BJ goes to alot of trouble to tune these to be boring

no phase cancellations, no ugly clipping ~ just smooth warm bass - treble - and boost/cut where you want it. the correct companion for all those wonderfully sculpted distortions....
and PGC > SBEQ is still the best clean sound going for me.