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OIM ODdBoost has landed!

Tue Aug 07, 2007 7:49 pm
by TheWarmth
Woo-hoo! I'm having a good week. My CAF arrived yesterday and the OIM today. So far the OIM is blowing my mind. Sounds incredible through my little 1x12" tube combo amp. I can't wait to crank it in rehearsal tomorrow. The "first" switch is fantastic. I personally prefer running the OD first, as the boost is much more prominent and powerful that way, but it's nice to have the option of running the boost circuit first, which is more subtle. I'll post more soon.

Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:46 pm
by DocRock
Excellent, good stuff .... keep us posted!!!
(Clips if you are so inclined.......)

Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:31 pm
by Donner
Very cool !!!!
I just got the Tourbox back and hadnt tried the boost second and yes it is almost even better that way----- two more great tones !!, yeah let us know how it gigs ---- tho Ola is a regular gigger so it should be pretty tasty

Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:33 am
by TheWarmth
I rehearsed with the OIM ODdBoost on my board last night. Here's the how I organized the dirt section:
Klon > OIM (od first, then boost)> fuzz > Toneczar Openhaus > modulation effects
Previously, I was going this route:
Klon > fuzz > Openhaus > Honeybee > ZVex SHO
The OIM operated in place of both the HB and SHO, which was a fairly tall order, but it certainly filled in nicely. I'm definitely going to leave it on my board and continue to use it for the time being. I'm a huge fan of the HB, so it was tough removing it.
The only drawback I've found to the OIM so far is that it doesn't like higher gain pedals in front of it, so I had to move my fuzz ... no big deal. It stacked extremely well with all of my dirt and modulation pedals. I found myself cranking the gain on the OD side to about 4 o'clock for a nice thick crunch. There is a ton of gain on tap on the boost, so I only needed the volume on that side set to about 9 o'clock. I found I was able to get really sweet Stoney/Keith Richards tones easily. For now that's about all I can say. So far I'm very impressed with this pedal and definitely glad I got it.
Oh ... one more thing. I started off using my vintage Eurotec Black Box Fuzz, which I'm told is essentially the same as a Colorsound Jumbo. I love that pedal ... sounds phenomenal. Halfway through rehearsal, I swapped it with the BJF CAF. Whoa ... the CAF is insane. I had the fuzz set to noon, but found the tone too octavey for chords, so I dailed it back to about 9 o'clock and that did the trick. This is a POWERFUL pedal. Phew. I'm definitely going to keep working with it. I think it'll be a keeper, too.

Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:31 pm
by OIM
Hi Warmth
I'm really glad that you like the ODdBoost and it's features. I think the first switch is a great feature. Personally I like it with the guitar straight into the boost, but in that way the OD have to deal with the boosted signal and is gonna react as it was build for: clip signals over it's clipping threshold. I use the booster more like a tone shaper and as an extra push to the OD.
Since some people like it the other way around I've tried that too and I definitely like it that way to.
Maybe I have to build a BoostODdBoost:-)
When I try the ODdBoost in a unfamiliar amp I start with everything at about 12.00 except for boost volume that I set around 09.30.
Maybe I back off the boost tone to about 09.30 as well.
If everything but the OD is off there is a good way to get your amp sound as your amp with a little added distortion;
Set the Vol and Tone at max and back off the Gain to min. Then you almost have the same sound with or without the OD.
Start to gain the OD and back off Tone until you got the right sound and Vol until you got unity volume.

Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:17 pm
by Donner
Ola, what does the little d stand for ???

Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:18 am
by Himmelstrutz
Hi Ola,
Just want to say hello! I think you worked for EM Nordic after I was there. I was their "Marshall guy" 1997-1999. Maybe you remember, cause I delivered some of your part orders (l?mnade ?ver disken d?r).
And congratulations on your pedals!

Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:15 am
by OIM
I think my creation is a little bit odd in the meaning not so convetional.
And congratulations to you Himmelstrutz, and your very good reputation.
I think I'll go to Stevies R'n'R Store later on today to pick up some repairs.
He's got Fettos for sale and I will try one.
Yes, I worked for Benny at EM after you and repaired hundreds of Marshalls.
I'll mail you later on. I think we have a lot to talk about and common old traumas to analyze.

Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:55 am
by Himmelstrutz
Haha, trauma is the name! I have many memories from there, but today most of them makes me smile.

Sat Aug 11, 2007 10:39 am
by Donner
Hey if you guys want to share Swedish Amp Tech trauma/drama stories Im sure we'd love to hear them - in fact start another thread if you like
You guys pedals actually are a good compliment - between the ODdBoost and the Fetto Deluxe you can get just about the whole range of natural useful tones ..... well done guys !!