Stackin' .....

Hey guys!
Ive read BJF's article on stacking, as well as some of the suggestions by you folks in various threads.
Forgive the newbie question - I have historically NEVER had much luck stacking any pedals with a decent amount of gain dialed in- things would feedback out of control and get very unwieldy. Ive got 2 BFJE's and a MP, and now i understand what people mean when they say these things "stack well". I feel like a whole new space to explore is opening up. These things truly act like amps, its amazing..
I also know that the unique sounds are found "just trying things out", but I wanted to see what logic some of you may employ when stacking, based on the sonic characteristics of a given pedal. What makes you try a stack a certain way? Is it just random exploration? Since the search space expands greatly with more pedals in the mix, Id like to have a better idea on what may work from the get-go, and why.
I currently have :
-EGDM (on the way)
-PGC (on the way)
-SBEQ (on the way)
Ive read BJF's article on stacking, as well as some of the suggestions by you folks in various threads.
Forgive the newbie question - I have historically NEVER had much luck stacking any pedals with a decent amount of gain dialed in- things would feedback out of control and get very unwieldy. Ive got 2 BFJE's and a MP, and now i understand what people mean when they say these things "stack well". I feel like a whole new space to explore is opening up. These things truly act like amps, its amazing..
I also know that the unique sounds are found "just trying things out", but I wanted to see what logic some of you may employ when stacking, based on the sonic characteristics of a given pedal. What makes you try a stack a certain way? Is it just random exploration? Since the search space expands greatly with more pedals in the mix, Id like to have a better idea on what may work from the get-go, and why.
I currently have :
-EGDM (on the way)
-PGC (on the way)
-SBEQ (on the way)