Why do so many flip Model H's?

One of my favorite pedals and a couple of people that have played mine are on the list to get one. Why so many for sale all the time?
Donner wrote:.... I was just reading an interview with Pete in on of the current mags.... and he related a few very enlightening things about his rig.....
One being that a big part of his sound that he was trying to get Jim Marshall to make was a very low output thin rickenbacker pickup - and the Leeds sound was a mixture of Marshall and Sound Cities (and later Hiwatts) - and that SGs were ok but he really like the Rickies and Strats ( Im paraphrasing)
But yes that either very low output pickup or volume down around 2 is very much a part of that sound .....
I think many people hear that sound the way they hear ACDC which is actually a mostly clean - but many play it much dirtier than it is ....
anyway I think the very first batch of Hs was a little brighter and clangier, that may be part of it too - some will prefer one or the other.....
Donner wrote:.... I was just reading an interview with Pete in on of the current mags.... and he related a few very enlightening things about his rig.....
One being that a big part of his sound that he was trying to get Jim Marshall to make was a very low output thin rickenbacker pickup - and the Leeds sound was a mixture of Marshall and Sound Cities (and later Hiwatts) - and that SGs were ok but he really like the Rickies and Strats ( Im paraphrasing)
But yes that either very low output pickup or volume down around 2 is very much a part of that sound .....
I think many people hear that sound the way they hear ACDC which is actually a mostly clean - but many play it much dirtier than it is ....
anyway I think the very first batch of Hs was a little brighter and clangier, that may be part of it too - some will prefer one or the other.....
melodichaotic wrote:Yeah, most bands/players have a pitfall with that when playing AC/DC...it makes you wonder how much they are actually listening to what's going on...I try to impart this to my more advanced students...you have to be a very active listener to what it is your playing, how your playing it, and the tone you're getting or going after...
And of course, lower output pick-ups will give you the greater dynamic range always...P-90's rule, Filtertrons rock, but I like Ric horseshoe magnet single coils even better...they sound amazingly HUGE!