( this is t he cache from the site transfer to get us started...)
User Information on BJFE Pedals (Knob Settings, Pedal 'stacks', etc....)
(all numbers refer to the 'O'clock' position, as in the number on a clock face...12 being straight up - 1 being to the right - 11 being to the left of 12.....
The knob order is left to right)
Individual Pedal Settings:
Baby Blue Overdrive
12-1-10 light /11-12- 2 medium hard (Donner)
11-10-12 (Shamus)
Dyna Red Distortion
Overdrive, bright and touch sensitive:
3 - 10 - 10
Crunch, heavier, dark lead tone:
3 - 8 - 11, 12 (Beckanon)
Candy Apple Fuzz
Pink Purple Fuzz
Little Green Wonder
Medium, touch sensitive overdrive w/ Tele:
9 - 10 - 2
Crunch, sustain, chewy tubescreamer tone w/ Tele:
8.5 - 7 - 4
Booster, light grit w/ humbuckers:
8.5 - 2 - 2
Drive w/ humbuckers:
8.5 - 11 - 3 (Beckanon)
Honey Bee Overdrive
10-11-3 will make about any drive sound fuller and more ampish in breakup
Emerald Green Distortion Machine
Red Rooster Booster
about 9-11oclock depending on guitar, great cut into other drives....
Baby Pink Booster
10:30 (Shamus)
Little Red Trebler
Great on neck pickups for clarity
Little Green Emphaser
Bass cut left-treble boost right - really nice into LGW and PPF
Useful Stacks:
CAF Vol: 8 - Nature: just shy of 12 - Fuzz: 11
PPF Vol: 8 - Nature: all the way CCW - Fuzz: 2
HB Vol: 9 - Tone: 8 - Drive: 12
There is a sweet spot on the CAF Nature control just before 12:00 where this very cool octave up thing happens and the three of these pedals combined come alive. The Honey Bee is a critical componant to smoothing out the fuzz through a Fender amp.
Strat ('57 RI) and Fender Blackface (Deluxe or Pro). [by DC Daniels]
Trebor Renkluaf:
Ok, here's my Baby Blue -> Sparkle Drive stack post from a while back.
http://musictoyz.infopop.cc/6/ubb.x?a=t ... 3036053684
Here are some stacks for a red sound - DRD with some enhancement:
LGW 11 - 5 - 12 > DRD 14 - 10 - 11
LGW 5 - 8 - 9,30 > DRD 14 - 10 -11
LGW 12 - 8 - 12 > DRD 14 -10 - 11
LGW puts some upper mids into DRD
DRD into DRD
DRD 2 - 12 - 8,30 > DRD 2 - 9 - 11,30
This gives three sounds- the stack gives more bite to the last DRD but not more treble as that is set by the last DRD's Treblecontrol
HB can be used to overdrive DRD or vise verse
HB 12,30 - 10 - 12 > DRD 14 - 9 - 8,30
Smooth sound
DRD 14 - 12 - 11 > HB 12,30 - 10,30 - 11
Last pedal in chain will set basic sound
Nature on HB can add some bottom to sound
Green sound:
EGD 9 - 12 - 9 > LGW 12 - 8 - 9
Guitar and amps used:
First five Les Paul Fender Blues JR
Sixth Les Paul Fender Vibrolux
Seventh Rouakanga P -90 style pick ups, Koch Multitone
Four HB's in a row sounds good, but a compressor before HB is very similar
..'57 Strat RI -> Deluxe/Pro Rev
LGE: 9
DRD: 9:30 - 10:30 - 9
PPF: 9 - CCW - 11
HB: 9 - 8 - 12
Very aggressive yet still dynamic
LGE: 12
LGW: 9 - CCW - 9
HB: 9 - 8 - 12
Lots of bite and clarity, articulate and dynamic
(DC Daniels)