Re: An ode to Donner.

Ah cool, you got one of the textured ones ! there was only one batch of those - thats hard to do - Im still trying to get paint to react and shrivel up so it will look like Tolex on a HiWatt

this1smyne wrote:THATS one of the ones i'm looking forcan't seem to find one ANYWHERE.
am still loving my Spatial Delay Donner.... that puppies been through the grind many times over the years. still gets gearheads turning their heads everywhere i play
ptbarnum wrote:that is one very cool Model H!
Donner, how does that finish rate as far as durability is concerned? it's always hard to tell in photos...
SteveA wrote:Someone Wanted to See the DonnerBox Model H so I thought i'd post the pictures here .
Enjoy the beauty that was made by Donner