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Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:49 am
by thesjkexperience
I have two RMC wahs 1) a picture wah with fuzz friendly buffer ( ), and 2) Wheels Of Fire with fuzz friendly buffer ( ). Both work great when placed before fuzz pedals and pretty much everything else I have tried, but the Wheels of Fire makes a strange treble noise when the toe is depressed, and the wah doesn't sweep right. It doesn't matter whether I move the knobs on the side to reduce the output volume of the wah, or change the bass or Q. The picture wah works fine with all my BJFe pedals. I am talking about the pedals in my signature. Any ideas? The WoF is my favorite wah, so it sucks it isnt working well.
Re: Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Sun Feb 28, 2010 1:09 pm
by thesjkexperience
Thanks, yeah I have dealt with Geoffrey and he is great. Fixed up my picture wha even though it was out of warranty. In fact he didn't even ask if I was the original owner. The wah behaved with the dirt boxes and in my pre-bjfe days i.e. with an OCD v4, Tim, timmy, ac booster, d*a*m red rooster, etc. I would think since the DRD and EGDM started as fuzzes they would be just fine with a fuzz friendly wah. There is just something in that WoF that acts weird. At least my Picture works fine! I suppose I should fire off a letter to Geoffrey.
Sadly, my SBEQ and PGC are off the board as I only have a PedalTrain 2. I have 11 pedals on there now. The SBEQ just got knocked off by my Lumpy's Tone Shop MKIII fuzz. Super versatile little beast as it will cop a MKIII, MKII, Fuzz Face and FuzzBrite (mosrite clone) all in one box! I usually only use the PGC when working on finger-style blues and occasionally slide to even things up a bit. I have never liked compressors, but Bobby D got me excited to try the PGC.
I am still debating getting a PedalTrain Pro so I can have everything on one board instead of all over the floor around the PT2. It just seems so excessive to have a PT Pro since my band days are on hiatus, but it would speed up my set up for the little time I get to play... hmmm.
Re: Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Sun Feb 28, 2010 2:55 pm
by SteveA
I was debating the same thing myself. Only thing getting me down on the PRO is the weight! Carrying that thing is heavy!
Re: Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Sun Feb 28, 2010 7:36 pm
by thesjkexperience
I really just need more space on the side (width). It seems you would end up with a lot of dead space above your Wah, and my MDV-2 (Wah shaped). It would be fun to add my SBEQ, my Wah and an expression pedal for my Orbit flanger.
Weight is an issue though!
Re: Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Mon Mar 01, 2010 8:03 pm
by BJF
thesjkexperience wrote:I have two RMC wahs 1) a picture wah with fuzz friendly buffer ( ), and 2) Wheels Of Fire with fuzz friendly buffer ( ). Both work great when placed before fuzz pedals and pretty much everything else I have tried, but the Wheels of Fire makes a strange treble noise when the toe is depressed, and the wah doesn't sweep right. It doesn't matter whether I move the knobs on the side to reduce the output volume of the wah, or change the bass or Q. The picture wah works fine with all my BJFe pedals. I am talking about the pedals in my signature. Any ideas? The WoF is my favorite wah, so it sucks it isnt working well.
Hm, that's an odd one.
I do test things with wha and also have access to many whas.
Let's see all of the BJF's you have have high input impedance between 180K- 500K and none of them should present any loading to your wha, that you still have this strange interaction makes me curious.
It does sound like something is loading down your weels of fire and it could also be a cable-I have seen this many times in pedalboards.
At any rate let me know if I can help in anyway.
At your service
Re: Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:54 am
by thesjkexperience
Thanks for the reply Bjorn! I am using Evidence Audio Melody cables throughout my board. I got sick of the solder-less George L and Lava patch cables and find I get so much more signal to the amp with the Melody's. And, they will last a long time!
I will try a different cable after the WoF. It just seems strange that the Picture Wah works and the WoF doesn't. All I can think is there is something strange with the volume knob/circuit. I need to write Geoffrey to see what he thinks as I just love that WoF wah, but I was about to sell the Picture and find running it through my BJFe's it sounds great.
Re: Crazy Wah interaction with BJFe pedals

Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:57 pm
by thesjkexperience
I finally got around to writing Geoffrey and he said to turn up the trim pot inside the pedals, and it seems to have worked out well. I haven't tried them at volume yet, but I am excited to get my WoF back!