well - with pedalboards and rigs 'everything is relative'
For me the first question is 'Are you using your amp clean or dirty' and then How important is the connection between your pickups and your amp .....
The difference between modulations pre and post distortion is HUGE.
I had the Boss CE2 and Phaser '79-80 and loved them into my Marshall JMP 50watter for years - nailed Trower and other similar tones.........
then mid 80s I switched to a Twin Reverb and an Ibanez FatCat (Rat) and never really liked modulations much after that and stopped using them for years ...... becasue I added the Distortion pedal at the beginning ......
I figured out years later that the difference was earlier my modulations were going into a distorting amp and being reshaped and chewed up and warmed up by the amp (Trower)............ but I was plowing the distortion pedal into the modulations and it was so edgy and cutting that I hated it (popular 80s hardrawk sound) ...
so now I have the Asteroids and MGMV and MP TOPhaser before the drive pedals and love them again............. MGMV into DRD I can just get lost in for hours ............... so yeah try your phasers and vibes and mono choruses and vibratoes BEFORE your drive Pedals and just put the stereo choruses panners verbs and delays after the drive pedals ......
Clean boosts - again its relative -- are you using the boost to drive your dirt harder to distort more (before) or do you just want that sound the same but louder ? (after)
another fun lead boost is to put a slapback delay INFRONT of your dirt .......... theres always options.....