Re: Running BJFE Pedals At Different Voltages Than 9v?
Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:00 pm
I run my gear through the Voodoo Labs Power PLus 2 like many folks so using say 12v is as easy as a switch. So since it seems to improve the headroom in some pedals I usually select 12v. I have tried 18v on a few pedals. More recently i read a thread about how incredible a SWF/AWF sounds when fed 18v although I have yet to try it out myself or even actually get my hands on one! (viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1488). All in all, the PGC and SBEQ sound noticeably clearer with more headroom at 12v. I haven't really specifically tested them out at 18 though I can try it tonight. I should actually post feedback on the Model H at 18v too since i'm getting curious now