Aaron talks about his Custom DRD here on Page 2 of this thread-
http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... rnity+Dyna
telling of mods-then a couple of pages of impressions/ discussion etc. I ordered my DRD with his mods as I thought my first DRD had too much bass response (imo). I had a SBEQ- but sometimes I wanted the distortion to be more open.
Playing comparison here:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 943532016#
"I have a BJF Dyna Red Distortion that was specifically modified in such a way as to answer your requirements.
Of course the DRD isn't really an OD, it's definitly a distortion.
But the EQ curve it sits in is quite similar.
But I had Bjorn Juhl modify the bass response in mine and increase the output so it would be a perfect companion to my Eternity on my live board." (aarondavis)
I order that version of the DRD which even Mr. Juhl referred to (became known as) the "aarondavis mod"after reading about it on TGP. I discovered the BJF Forum originally through guys like Donner, Markom and Mike (Newarkwilder).I also read about Marko's Baltic Blue on TGP.
Many of the guys who hang round here also frequent the Gear Page often with the same user names.
There are some valuable insights for all BJF lovers there.
More ad DRD clips-
http://www.thegearpage.net/board/showth ... p?t=174137
http://www.soundclick.com/util/getplaye ... 38161&q=hi

A friend of mine recently bought a DRD after using mine.
That might be an interesting comparison clip now that my camera is working again!