Re: BJFE Model R -> Klon Centaur -> Top Hat Ambassador

Fri Feb 05, 2010 11:41 pm
by melodichaotic
Very nice JJ--With that rig and the Tele through the Model R alone, the tone was quite righteous. I know those Top hats have a very pronounced mid-range, which I liked when I played through one years ago.
That makes sense with the focus and grunt of a Tele Bridge p/u to work well with the Model R...stacked mid-range, all the frequencies working together, though your tone didn't sound mid-rangey.
I didn't have quite the same luck with mine(it was one of the first 10, and I don't know what, if any changes have been made to that circuit) with humbuckers unless I set the amp's clean tone on the very bright side. It worked better with my Marshall 20 watt 2x12 set-up, though I still had to goose the treble.
Re: Klon Centaur -> BJFE Model R -> Top Hat Ambassador

Sun Feb 07, 2010 9:31 am
by jjguitarranch
I edited the title of this thread, just realized the signal chain is Klon -> Model R... Sorry for the confusion. Next step will be to record samples into Pro Tools because these clips with the cameras microphone are not presenting well... You can hardly hear the difference when the Klon is turned on, but in the room you could notice the difference. Later in the day I had better success by turning down the drive on the Model R a bit, turning up the Resonance control a little, turning the Klon gain and treble down a little as well.
I am waiting on pins and needles for the SBMV... Can't believe I scored that!
Re: Klon Centaur -> BJFE Model R -> Top Hat Ambassador

Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:12 am
by mrpicard
I so love the great videos that EVERYONE does...