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WOW..gig report

Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:33 pm
by jdandry
So I gigged last night with my new pedals, DBD and Dyna Red (thanks sonicT.) I used the Dyna for a lead gain boost into a distorted
tweed 6v6 Gibson amp. What a tone, it melted with the amp so perfectly. Very touch sensitive and low noise. The DBD was just as nice, lovely sounding repeats! I also have a LGW but found myself using the Dyna for the stuff I usually use the LGW for, just a twist down of the volume knob and the dyna looses it's saturation but keeps it's smoking tone and high end. WOW! love it!! What should I get next??
Re: WOW..gig report

Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:08 pm
by thesjkexperience
The HoneyBee stacks really well with the Dyna Red, so it is like getting two pedals. 1 is the HBOD alone and 2 is the DRD > HBOD stack. The nice thing is it seems Honeybees are one of the easier pedals to find. In fact there is one in the Gear Page emporium right now (not mine, no way am I selling mine!).
Re: WOW..gig report

Fri Jan 22, 2010 5:10 pm
by jdandry
I have a FRF but i think it's a little too mid cut for me, should i be looking for a PPF?
Re: WOW..gig report

Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:34 pm
by jdandry
Thanks for all the info. I haven't been able to sell the FRF yet so I think I'm going to try it again
today but in a bypass loop with a eq before it. Maybe I can get it to work for me by tweeking the eq going into the FRF. It's almost there so maybe it will work. I am wondering, was the FRF designed for single coils?
I sent the Dyna Red to a buddy to try out and just bought a weird Lovepedal thing with just two jacks on the top,
Lil' China paint job, old, maybe 2004. Guy said it's called a Woody, distortion/fuzz. Should be interesting.
Re: WOW..gig report

Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:18 pm
by Donner
you might try some stacking .... try backing t he drive off on the lgw and put it before and after the DRD .... same with t he FRF it can change quite a bit when pushed .....