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Daisy chaining bjfe and mad prof?

Sat Jan 16, 2010 6:10 pm
by connor117
Hi- I'm running out of room on my board
is It safe to daisy my mgmv, top, and pgc?
They're all 9dc so it should work right?
Obviously ideally I need another pp+ but just checkin if this is safe for now
thanks for any info!
Cheers, Connor
Re: Daisy chaining bjfe and mad prof?

Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:38 am
by Donner
What sort of daisy chaining are you talking about - like a One spot with the daisy chain that hooks them all up ???
Yeah it should work but may not be optimum --- that usually works best on just drives/distortions ... some modualtions need the headroom of a dedicated line.....
Re: Daisy chaining bjfe and mad prof?

Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:21 am
by thesjkexperience
I use a Y cord which allows me to plug in to like voltage pedals into one outlet from my PP2+. I run my EGDM at 18 volts and I have lots of small pedals, so I have 3 of those cords and have had no problems. ... htm#ycable
Re: Daisy chaining bjfe and mad prof?

Sun Jan 17, 2010 3:07 pm
by BJF
connor117 wrote:Hi- I'm running out of room on my board
is It safe to daisy my mgmv, top, and pgc?
They're all 9dc so it should work right?
Obviously ideally I need another pp+ but just checkin if this is safe for now
thanks for any info!
Cheers, Connor
Hi Connor,
You should have no problem whatsoever with that. It is safe.
At your service
Re: Daisy chaining bjfe and mad prof?

Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:51 am
by connor117
Bjorn- you're the man!! Thanks for the piece of mind
donner- yes, 3 pedals daisy chained off one power pedal slot runnin at 9v
Thanks for the help!
Cheers, cb
Re: Daisy chaining bjfe and mad prof?

Wed Jan 27, 2010 10:22 pm
by connor117
wait, another question....
what if i want to run a few pedals on this chain at 12 or 18v? (sbeq + mgmv)
is that safe? will they still get the 18v im tryin to get to them?
thanks for any info!