Got to say thanks to Bobby D and Donner here.
I was thinking of selling the PGC- ("Someone Saved My Life Tonight!!!")
My first compressor was an Analogman Juicer. (Still have it!)
I then tried the Keeley and the AYA-R Comp prior to the PGC.
I now have a Dyna Comp with Analogman Mods arriving this week.
Bobby D talks of the sparkle that the PGC adds.
Alot of compressors give that squish, but shave off too much high end response.
I've been tweaking and listening to the sparkle and the true beauty of the PGC and Bobby D was right on it!!!
For a short time (?) I'll have 3 compressors on the board and the Juicer and Dyna Comp can be compared to see which will stay WITH the PGC.
Yeah I know, but I don't think I'm as addicted as Joseph "Lucidology" at TGP,
a great player who admits to being compressorholic- but I do attend the same meetings.
There are times for me when we're playing clean with just one guitarist that the PGC can almost seem too bright with single coils.
Hence the Analogman Juicer. I could also use the SBEQ- but I like both compressors for different jobs.
I played last night with a band using Donner's best clean sound- the SBEQ and the Pine Green.
Both these guys are a gold mine of tonal nuance and experience that I am grateful to have.
BJF do have fairy dust, but some of our users have experience that I have benefitted from reading around here.
Hats off to both.
As last night was totally clean- tonight is just HB, EGDM, DRD and Model H in escalating assault volumes.
p.s. the AYA R- Comp is still a work of art I'd have on the board just for the graphic. My daughter LOVED it and was really disappointed whern I sold it.