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respect for EGDM

Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:57 am
by Strat-o-lux
I just purchased an EGDM from another forum member, specifically for use with my DST30 (AC30 clone). Loving it, from the 1st note sounded. Excellent range, from a light Tweedy grind to heavy saturation reminiscent of Lennon's 'destroy the preamp' Revolution tone. Very dynamic, as of course one would expect. Still just getting acquainted with it.
EGDM gets infrequent mention here, of late, so I thought I'd give it a plug. Some comments Donner had posted regarding the EGDM controls were helpful.
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:28 am
by analoghog
probably one of the least talked about drives here on the forum, but it's been one of my favorites since i bought one! shines with every amp i have paired it with...i really like it with my EL34 Marshall...
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:36 am
by thesjkexperience
I found my EGDM so good I am selling my el-84 amp that has a celestion blue. I think between the voice control and the treble trim pot it is the most tweakable of the drive pedals. It may also be that it was voiced for a Strat (from what it says in the Library) and the BHOD and DRD were made with humbuckers in mind. As dyed in the wool Strat fan I had to buy one after borrowing one from a very nice person. The way it stacks is also surprisingly great. It seems strange how many you see for sale, but I suspect people don't know about the trim pot, or the voltage, and may not get the pedal in the zone for their use.
I run mine at 12 volts, but if I had easy access to 18 I might do that. If you have tried a EGDM and didn't like it try higher voltage and play with it. Mine sounds best with all positions of my Strat, but I tend to set it up for everything but the bridge and use the Dyna Red for the thicker, more distorted bridge sound. I like to stack D*A*M Red ROoster > DRD > EGDM >HBOD and soon to come > SBEQ > delay > clean boost/ buffer. I am still working on the end of the chain as I don't love my Sex Drive. Maybe SQEG on all the time or the Great Day For UP! that Fromel is building me with an added buffer.
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:45 am
by Bobby D
it was my very first BJFe....and i have owned 3 of them....but i never quite bonded with the EGDM.
i'm just much more of a DRD guy

Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:28 pm
by thiscalltoarms
Killer pedal, but I never bonded with it enough to hold onto it longer than a month or two. but that could be because I never tried it with single coils, or because I was really trying to dial it in to produce a chimey cutting vox clean tone (which it turns out I get perfectly with a SYODv1). I bet if I got my hands on one now I'd be a different ballgame, more of a gainy vox about to explode tone that I would use it for.
How big of a difference does singles/humbuckers make with this bad boy?
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:39 pm
by huckleboogie
i really miss mine!!! only used it with singlecoils at lower gain settings (actually there was so much BOOST on the level knob , it was frightening, and so at least i kept the gain below 12 o clock) and it really,really could turn generic fender amps into a Vox or Matchless. that sparkle, that chime. i wish i had the $ to get another one!
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:06 pm
by huckleboogie
ha, now that thread stirred up some memories. never should have sold my EGDM.
here's a clip, i remember i used just the EGDM into a Hot Rod Deville (one of BobbyDs most hated amps:-) the sound of the vid is poor, but i remember the great sound i had that night, i was totally happy. at 1:52 there's a little solo thing, and you can hear how nicely the EGDM works for single coils. aww, and that was my 58 strat, another piece of gear that i regret selling. i might get another EGDM but theres no chance for me to ever own a guitar like that again...but i been thru some tough times 2 yrs ago and alot of stuff had to go

anyway, enjoy a rather weird version of a beatles classic:]
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:26 pm
by Bobby D
i know the feeling huckleboogie......i know the feeling
don't hink i'll own a '58 strat again either.....but at least i know my '58 strat is being used and loved by buddy guy
it WOULD be really cool if he would leave it to me in his will, though

Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:19 pm
by Strat-o-lux
a rather weird version of a beatles classic
Unusual interpretation, to be sure. Nice guitar work, Lars. Thanks for sharing the clip.
Re: respect for EGDM

Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:51 pm
by Donner
I think the EGDM is the easiest one to misunderstand and unless youve spent some time with Vox type amps the controls can seem counterintuitive ....
And I think its also the one you may need to spend the most time really understanding what it offers ( well ok the CAF would really ; ] )