Re: Ebay Cloners

Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:07 am
by jfromel
mcass63 wrote:So it begins........................... ... 4ceb9fdab5'I haven't been able (off course:-) to compare this one with the original'
"BJFE Honey Bee Overdrives", Honey Bee Pedals aren't produced any more and the few originals are around 400 € now and then in ebay;'
'high class copy' - Somehow I doubt that

So much lies+disinformation
WTF! Tang is not Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice - Really WTF is that TANG colered pedal?
Re: Ebay Cloners

Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:33 am
by strings2wood
Sorry if it's something I should know.
I don't understand the cough analogman cough comment/ something stuck in my throat etc.
I own a juicer and a Bi-Chorus and think they are great pedals.
Can some please explain the comment as it's left me confused as to what is being suggested/ given as understood etc.
I'm not trawling, I just don't get it.
(I kinda feel like Corporal Agarn on "F-Troop"....") i.e.
"Who says I'm dumb???"
Simon in Melbourne.
Re: Ebay Cloners

Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:19 pm
by Bobby D
well soulsonic is saying that analogman basically makes "reissues" of certain out of production pedals. hes not creating NEW pedals, but taking an existing design that is out of production, and tweaking it a little to make it better, and then making his pedals, like the sunface (fuzzface) chorus (small clone) comprossor (ross compressor) etc.....
but.....mike has never claimed that he is creating any of these circuits, just basically remaking them for the people who do not want to buy a vintage one.
i don't know if that makes him a CLONER.......does it? i don't know. there are a lot of fuzzy parts to all this

Re: Ebay Cloners

Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:02 pm
by soulsonic
yeah, my point was that everything Analogman makes is a tweaked clone, and yet he's not seen as a "cloner". The difference is that in most cases, he doesn't generally use the brand name of what he's cloned in the selling of it, so it's not seen as a clone even though it is. The King of Tone comes to mind as an example. I'm not trying to be negative toward Analogman, he's just an easy example because that's what he sells.
From what I see, Björn's main complaint is when someone uses his name to sell something. That's certainly a valid complaint, and it's close to the same problem that ZVex has had with counterfeiters. I think counterfeiting is the lowest, worst thing that any merchant can do. So, I am absolutely sympathetic to anyone's desire to curb counterfeiting. Trademark violation, product dilution, brand confusion... those are the things that unscrupulous cloners do to try and make quick money off someone else's name. But building something with your own name on it and building up your own brand from nothing, then it's considered fair competition, even if the product you're selling isn't particularly original.
Re: Ebay Cloners

Fri Nov 06, 2009 6:29 pm
by Donner
right - there is a world of difference between making something for someones need that you have found yourself ....... and saying ' hey Ill do what that guy is doing only Ill do it cheaper, his customers can come over to me !! .... "
thats why one is illegal and one is fair competition