Re: CANDY APPLE FUZZ is beautiful!!!!

whiteelephant wrote:Fun solo!
As Donner said, the CAF really is cutting through. It sounds like the little octave characteristic of the pedal is shining through as well.
almost.....i had it set at 12:00 noon on nature knob.....needed to get to 11:59 or 11:58, that's where that setting resides.
bjorn said easiest way to FIND this magic spot is to play a regular "D" major chord on second fret, and adjust nature knob until you hear that characteristic octave overtone ring modulated sound.
THEN the magic begins.
i really love the octavia setting on the CAF, and am learning to love the many other settings of the nature knob.

between the CAF and SWF, i have all the fuzzes i need. not that i don't desire more.......hmmm......maybe a NEW style BJF fuzz in the future?