Just got a PPF....

Is the BJFE Pink Purple Fuzz stackable?
Does it stack with a Honeybee? Sea Blue EQ? Front end or back end? Looking for someone who's stacked this pedal with other BJF's OR other pedals for that matter(Hotcake,Timmy, etc). It's a rather unique fuzz that's almost a hybrid between OD and fuzz, plus it's hella dynamic.....HELP!!!!..... GAS!!!
Does it stack with a Honeybee? Sea Blue EQ? Front end or back end? Looking for someone who's stacked this pedal with other BJF's OR other pedals for that matter(Hotcake,Timmy, etc). It's a rather unique fuzz that's almost a hybrid between OD and fuzz, plus it's hella dynamic.....HELP!!!!..... GAS!!!