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PPF issues

Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:32 pm
by Strat-o-lux
I just received delivery of a used PPF. I'm hoping someone (Donner?) can comment on the functioning of the Nature control. Most of the action occurs between 3:00 and 5:00 - significant attenuation of highs. Thru most of the control's travel - 9:00 to 3:00 - it doesn't perceptibly alter the tone. Between 7:00 and 9:00 it brings about what I'd describe as a subtle change in presence. I have a feeling all is not right with this one.
Any comments appreciated.
Re: PPF issues

Tue Sep 22, 2009 3:50 pm
by BJF
The PPF Nature control works like this, if you start at noon then turning cw will attenuate highs quite a bit when fully cw; while when you turn ccw from noon you boost low mids and bass.
The reason for this type of control is partly so filtering can follow fuzzlevel and also so an overdrive type sound can be set when setting nature at cw and also so that with brighter amps the critical treble can be trimmed from somewhat nasal at Nature cw to where it just opens up with Nature slightly backed off. On darker amps this portion of Nature control may make less sense to none at all, while with some brighter amps it can be the exact line between bright and icepick.
I do understand this sounds unconventional and maybe wierd and actually part of the reason PPF was discontinued was that it was a somewhat missunderstood model being neither a traditional fuzz nor overdrive nor distortion.
Hence also it's dual colour that in the beginning was a mixture of red, blue, pink.
Let me know if this sounds like your unit is working fine and you know I am an e-mail away otherwise
Have fun
Re: PPF issues

Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:01 pm
by Bobby D
that nature control is REALLY cool. the most misunderstood control ever.......but the COOLEST control ever. i wish i had a nature knob on ALL my pedals

Re: PPF issues

Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:19 pm
by Donner
What amp and especially speakers are you using this with ???
The detail and percieved changes in the treble range can vary quite a bit depending on what sound you are getting from your amp ....... if you have lowered treble either from rounded sounding speakers or muted EQ settings it could very well sound lke its not doing much ....

Re: PPF issues

Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:35 pm
by Strat-o-lux
Thanks, guys, for the comments, and etc. Bjorn has provided advice and assistance, and I think we've resolved my concerns.
Donner, in response to your question, the PPF will mostly be used with an old Deluxe Reverb, a fairly bright-voiced amp but less so than one might expect of a DR. But I've tried it out with quite a range of different amps. The Nature control does, in fact, respond rather differently with different amps.
This is a very cool distortion/fuzz effect. Very rich harmonic content. I love the way sustained notes trail off with just a hint of feedback. And, as we've grown to expect, it plays well with others.
Re: PPF issues

Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:46 am
by cedjazz
I just picked up a PPF 2 days ago. I've played it at bedroom levels so far, through a Fender style tube amp. I too experienced the same issue the original poster did so thanks for the info Bjorn and Donner. I've not owned a fuzz since the 80's because they were "one trick pony's". This one really blurs the line between fuzz and OD and I prefer that..... The coolest thing about it is it's dynamic, but I shouldn't be surprise about that.
Re: PPF issues

Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:01 pm
by Strat-o-lux
Cheers on the PPF score, cedjazz.
Love to hear from other PPF users. How do you use it (settings, stacked and with what, guitar/amp preference, etc.), why you prefer it (or not) to other Distortion/Fuzz.