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PGC in the chain.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:06 am
by Windfeld
Hi Guys
Where do you put your PGC in your pedal chain? I really love it when I am using it alone, but I don't get the same results with in on my board.
I have it running 3rd after my Aquavibe and Turbo Tuner.
Would love some inputs...
Re: PGC in the chain.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:24 am
by Donner
What different result are you getting ?
I would try it before t he vibe ---- do you want to squeeze the signal and t hen feed it to the vibe or do you want to squeeze the vibe too?
One thing that is good before the comp is dynamic drive like the Honey Bee - so your guitar still gets to interact with the HB and then the dynamic distortion level SOUND is compressed into your amp......
Re: PGC in the chain.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:17 pm
by Bobby D
i like the PGC to be FIRST in my chain. however, it also works well AFTER dirt pedals, to help "tame" them and make your levels even.
but i use it FIRST 95% of the time

Re: PGC in the chain.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:33 pm
by Windfeld
It just seems a little dull and boring sounding where I am having it right now. Also a little thinner sounding. I tend to not use it at all, and that is weird, cause it sounds amazing when I use it alone.
I will try it out first in the chain tomorrow, and let you know if that helps:).
Thanks so far!
Re: PGC in the chain.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:54 pm
by Strat-o-lux
I will try it out first in the chain tomorrow, and let you know if that helps:
Should make a big difference. General rule of thumb - effects whose function is dependent on variations in the input signal (your pick attack and playing dynamics) always go 1st in the chain. Compressor, Envelope Filter (Auto Wah), etc..
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule. Never hurts to experiment.
Re: PGC in the chain.

Thu Aug 20, 2009 9:14 pm
by mudster
I know Robert Keeley has a recommendation as to where to put compressors. Not sure if it is on his website, but you could email and ask.
I think it is right after your distortion, which is typically at the front of your path in my experience, and before everything else, but I could be wrong about that. I'm so much help!
I usually use a path like this: Distortion>everything else>delay>chorus if you use it>amp
I also put wah after the distortion, not before, which is the way to get real vocal wah effects, but I don't use wah as much anymore.