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The Asteriod has landed

Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:51 am
by Strat-o-lux
Took very little time for the Rocketride Asteroid to bump another well known boutique Chorus pedal off the board. I should mention that I don't particularly like Chorus pedals, but they're necessary for a variety of sounds I get paid for.
The Asteroid does a fantastic Leslie simulation. One new gig has me faking keyboard parts on a number of Doors tunes. I introduced the Asteroid at the 2nd audition and it may well have played at least some small part in my scoring the gig. I own a Model 16 Leslie, so I have a legitimate basis of comparison.
An added bonus: the Vibrato mode is excellent (and as Sebastian demonstrates in the vid, transitions seamlessly from the Chorus mode). Swamp Rock heaven!
The Asteroid won't suit everyone. Folks looking for a real modern HiFi sounding chorus effect will probably want to look elsewhere. But for my particular needs this is it. Nice one, Mr. Juhl.
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:49 pm
by Donner
I just got hold of one of these and two things continue to strike me ....
very low noise.
very little EQ change.
and this in front of Dyna Red is dead on Trower~ Day of the Eagle sound
it reminds me how noisy my VB2 clone is -
and its a useful companion to the minivibe as it does VB2ish vibrato and chorus.... different sounds that are useful with the same distortion ranges......
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:01 pm
by Donner
this one continues to kick my butt btw.....
I love the wave roll on the chorus, its just right and sounds killer in front of a distortion, hmmm sounds like a BJF chorus description

Re: The Asteriod has landed

Thu Sep 03, 2009 7:20 pm
by Donner
It still freaks me out how quiet this thing is.

Re: The Asteriod has landed

Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:42 am
by siderealtime
im sooo stoked to try this thing out. i ordered one a little less than a week ago. its currently rocketing across the globe to my little abode.
im SUPER curious to see how it plays with the MGMV and TOP. right now i love running those two for fast / slow layered love. i can't really imagine what adding a third layer of warbling would do to things =).
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Fri Sep 04, 2009 1:30 pm
by Donner
siderealtime wrote:im sooo stoked to try this thing out. i ordered one a little less than a week ago. its currently rocketing across the globe to my little abode.
im SUPER curious to see how it plays with the MGMV and TOP. right now i love running those two for fast / slow layered love. i can't really imagine what adding a third layer of warbling would do to things =).
do you run this in stereo ?
my favorite modulation is stacking two amps on top of each / over-under and running a slow vibrato to the bottom one and a faster phaser/chorus to the top one ----- this most closley resembles the physical interaction you get with a real leslie.....
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Sat Sep 05, 2009 3:45 pm
by siderealtime
oh wow, i bet that sounds amazing. makes sense too -- the fast little horn on top and the huge slow speaker on the bottom. ill have to give that a try
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:20 am
by fehlupkid
i've had mine for almost 2 months already. love it. i mostly use the vibrato side. it's just the kinda music i play.
i do have a question for those who owns one...
i experience a volume drop when i engage the pedal in a live show. significant enough that the sound engineer actually told me to raise my volume. but i know, if i adjust anything else, and disengage the asteroid, I'll be alittle too loud.
i'm just wondering if anyone had the same experience?
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Sun Sep 20, 2009 8:45 am
by Donner
how deep is your depth set ???
I dont have this problem but I just use a touch ....
sometimes if your using deeeep chorus or vibrato or even trem it can take you out of the mid heavy guitar range while it dips and in a band setting in a cluttered freq range it can feel like a loss ........
I dont know if the asteroid has an level adjustment inside..... the minivibe does and its shifting is complimentary to a bnad mix .......
Re: The Asteriod has landed

Sun Sep 20, 2009 9:19 am
by fehlupkid
it's at 12oclock. i don't get that in my normal practice.
was using a SHOD into the Asteroid into a DM2 and Superdelay.
at the end, i cranked up the SHOD a little...
yeah, if there's a trimpot for gain in it, that would be great...