hopefully you guys don't mind all the new demos...i have been busy lately
just wanted to put some more demos up for people who are interested in the pedals, and want to hear what they sound like.
i wish i could afford to get a better camera and some digital audio recording gear, then synch up the audio with the video, etc.
but for some reason, my LUMIX camera seems to capture pretty decent audio, and never clips or gets nasty. what you hear in the demos comes out as good as most stuff i hear on youtube, better than many....
my hope is that people can watch them, and hear enough from the videos to know whether or not they would be interested in buying them, since it is darn near impossible to go to your local music store and play a BJF for yourself.
however, my very first BJF was found used in a music store, Scott Ian from Anthrax had an EGDM, and had traded it in, along with a box full of boutique pedals, and i bought it without even hearing it. something about the EGDM just told me "this is a GOOD pedal".
and i was RIGHT