Thanks Donner!
My first impression is that I've never been so floored in my life!

At least not by trying a pedal...
I compared to my PPF, and what I can say is:
* The PPF was somewhat tighter when trying to dial in a more distortion-like sound with some fuzz texture.
* The PPF came closer to dial in some Muff-like tones, even though it's nothing like it, I feel I can get into that territory more easily with PPF than AWF.
* AWF wins on every other point. More dynamic with the controls, bigger tone, deeper fuzz (more of a real fuzz), etc etc... I tried it out through a really bad and really cheap amp, so I guess the real testing will take place when I'm home in Gothenburg again. But to me AWF sounds like a very much developed FF with silicon trannies. I hear the herritage, but that doesn't mean I think the sound the same at all. AWF is the winner, no doubt. Tighter, more dynamic and controlled, yet not too polite, and every single setting seems useful unlike FF-types...
The cleanup was just perfect. Love it! AWF will, for sure, be my standard fuzz! (I still won't sell the PPF...

) Together with CAF I feel I have all fuzz covered that I will ever have use for.
I guess I don't have anything to say that hasn't been said allready. I love AWF, I can feel that it will be a very important part of my fuzz sound for a very long time. It feels so natural and full, and covers a lot of ground thanks to dynamics in pick attack, guitar controls, and useful controls on the pedal itself.
Haha yes, I am very happy with the serial number...
And Slim... Thanks...