Re: Tell me that it's not real...

Donner wrote:the only thing that really bugs me is if the clone sucks and someone gets the impression thats what a HB sounds like.....
A few years back, I purchased a supposed "klone" of a certain pedal because I already had a real one and I wanted to actually A/B them. The seller had 10 of them at the time. By itself, the klone pretty well sucked and didn't even compare well with a cheap mass-produced ordinary pedal. When compared against the real thing, it was extremely pathetic.
The point, however, is about a week after I bought the klone (auction), I started receiving messages from people who said that they had seen the ad and had seriously considered buying it, but wanted to know, since I had purchased one if I could recommend that they buy one too, since it was a way for them to get a much cheaper "boutique" pedal. I told them to save their money. I felt sorry for the people who went ahead and bought one thinking that the sound that they were getting was comparable to the real thing....