Hi Jamie,
Yes I am out here;)
Let's see I took this on since I was asked if I could device some modifications and I said I would device the modifications but not have time to actually do them and I'd like to pick the ones to be modified.
Now looking at echo, and that's something I have used myself since 1982 when I got my first tape echo,
and I'd find a couple of sounds I'd like and I think I put most of the more Rock and Roll types into the MP DBD and that's one I could use for most things I'd need and echo............but then there's this other sound that just lingers in my head a bit spaced out I'd guess.
I used as a sound model for FEOTM ( funny acronym) something I've heard since I was a young boy in instrumental guityar music but also later.
Rythmic indeed but also possibly a sound lanscape like jumping into a lake 4 in the morning from a grass beach with birch trees.......something to swim in.........
Yes, indeed FEOTM can be used for rythmic passages.
I did what I felt would give an echo sound that would not get in the way but float around notes.....a little bit like a reverb but an echo.
I liked the DMMXO, it's a fine pedal and as I heard it I could envison what it would be like if it would float more around notes...
Oh, yes the DMM XO is a fine pedal as is............sort of why I felt it would be possible to make this sound I hear
It's reasonably priced to begin with and in fact an FEOTM would cost about the same as DMMXO in Sweden.
Go figure

Perhaps it's like this that if I had a pile of echo sounds I dived that in two and put the more behaved ones into the MP DBD and the more spacious into FEOTM............
Why I took this on is just that to me there are sounds and functions I'd like to put knobs on.......
For the FEOTM, it's Rocketride..............Oh I could think of more things but there's also a line to be drawn.....
It is a modified DMMXO and yes it has the same amout of headroom and yes repeats fade in a different way and yes it can be used for rythmic parts just like DMMXO while it would sound the same.
Hm, yes sure I have and have owned and serviced and rebuilt from scratch outof broken tape echoes functional units.
Back in the day and yes I remember when the first analog delays came while you know even then I'd rather drag a tape echo and I did until the guys in the band left my unit on the brink of a stage and it rained into it.........someday I'll rebuild that while I have other echoes.
I will leave that to others to compare.
Suffice to say I think the DMMXO made a fine plartform for the specific sound and behaviour I had intended.
Have fun