Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:16 am
by Strat-o-lux
oh boy! i actually just got done trying it LIKE THAT......thanks for the suggestion!
Glad if it was helpful. I was, in fact, thinking along the line of the pre-amp/poweramp concept, as Donner suggests, when I initially tried them in that order. I'm pleased as can be with those two.
Quite a few other ODs headed for the auction block now.
Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:21 am
by Donner
HA conspiration abounds
But yeah I like fender/plexi sort of cleans so for me the perfect set up is PGC > SBEQ and then any drive you put in between them will shine its just a matter of personal taste or something like HB BBOD PGC DRD LGW SBEQ ...with t he light touchy HB BBOD in front of the comp so you retain the preampish finger control and then the DRD and LGW after the comp to be the big power amp type crunch and stackish drives and the SBEQ to keep them cohesive....... or put a white fuzz and SYOD before and a Model H and Cliff hanger after the comp - same thing different flavors

Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:32 pm
by Bobby D
it's like LEGOS for adults, tonal LEGOS in all the fun colors of tone!!!

Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:22 am
by Strat-o-lux
something like HB BBOD PGC DRD LGW SBEQ ...or put a white fuzz and SYOD before and a Model H and Cliff hanger after the comp
it's like LEGOS for adults, tonal LEGOS in all the fun colors of tone!!
You guys are completely insane.
Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:45 am
by Strat-o-lux
PGC has embarked on its transatlantic flight. I am excited about this one.
No doubt others have made this observation, but one unusual quality of all the BJF designs I've played thus far is the fully functional control parameters. On many fx, a good 15% (or more) of the sweep on each end of any control is pretty much useless - Chorus pedals where the clock signal is loudly thumping away if you turn the intensity past 1:00, ODs that go from dirty boost to industrial noise by the time the gain reaches 11:00, etc., etc. Really limits the usefulness of some otherwise good sounding fx. Also means the useable portion is crammed into a smaller section of the sweep and fine tuning becomes difficult. Well, as I've said elsewhere, BJ seems to actually be designing functional tools for musicians (gosh, what a novel concept).
Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:05 pm
by 5digits6strings
Great demo video, Bobby! I still need to hear that sucker in person though. I've been going through way too many pedals lately, and I've come to the conclusion that...

I need to TRY them first.

Re: good news and bad news regarding SHOD vs HBOD

Sun Sep 13, 2009 1:35 pm
by Donner
Slim Henderson wrote:Strat-o-lux wrote:something like HB BBOD PGC DRD LGW SBEQ ...or put a white fuzz and SYOD before and a Model H and Cliff hanger after the comp
it's like LEGOS for adults, tonal LEGOS in all the fun colors of tone!!
You guys are completely insane.
yes......yes we are

and soon you will be also
as youve noted BJs stuff is fully functional throughout its range which makes these wide variety of stacks possible - its much easier once you learn the range to mix and match your own tone for whatever your doing ----- you arent limited to sweet spots and leprechans and full moons