One can only do so much by email and listening to recorded clips but in the end it's the live sound that counts. Anyway, we got it pretty close to what I envisioned but there are still some small quirks that need tweaking. So it's V0.7 now, two steps closer to V1.0

So, I brought back with me some live audio and video recordings done with a basic setup: guitar+bass+drums.
The Schizoid preamp into a cathode biased 15W push-pull power amp with 2 russian 6P1P tubes (equivalent to 6V6 but in a EL84 bottle), this into a Mesa 212 cab. Power amp kept clean to allow the preamp to do the work.
Audio recording straight to HD with an old school back to basics set up: 2 EV455 mikes 3.5 meters away from the players and 1.5m apart. I like the SM57 for close miking but prefer the EVs for stereo. Just the way it was done back in the days before all this multitrack UFO stuff.
Simultaneously I caught some of the pieces on video that I plan to replace the original crappy camcorder sound with the direct to HD tracks - just need to learn how to do this in my not so intuitive video editing SW.
Just one to start with. LP. Audio is direct to HD recording with the EV455 mics.
I think the piece is something old by Tower Of Power if my memory serves me right.
Here is a video of another take of the same piece, audio is as recorded by the camcorders mics. Same amp and guitar settings as the audio above.