Re: Schizoid Havoc V0.7 - integrating the personalities

I've been testing this headroom control extensively during the past few days. I'm more and more reinforced in my old principle that one should not fool around with headroom midway in the signal path. Max headroom all the way is what plays best. Lowering the headroom in the middle of signal path, especially when you play somewhere between crunch and higher gain settings causes nasty clipping on pick transients, sort of like a sluggish hard limiter. This results in smearing of pick attack and loss of string definition, sounds all constricted for lack of a better word.
Keeping high headroom all the way allows for diming all gain/drive controls for massive metal distortion with retained string separation. I always want to hear the strings, to me it's what identifies the sound as coming from a guitar. So headroom adjustment is scrapped. Max Headroom rules
I'll record some high gain / metal clips asap. All the clips so far never had amps gain & drive controls higher than around 2 o'clock.
In the meantime, the last of clips recorded 2 weeks ago in Poland:
SRV Strat, with some bite
Keeping high headroom all the way allows for diming all gain/drive controls for massive metal distortion with retained string separation. I always want to hear the strings, to me it's what identifies the sound as coming from a guitar. So headroom adjustment is scrapped. Max Headroom rules

I'll record some high gain / metal clips asap. All the clips so far never had amps gain & drive controls higher than around 2 o'clock.
In the meantime, the last of clips recorded 2 weeks ago in Poland:
SRV Strat, with some bite