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BJF Pedals and Velcro

Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:56 pm
by LuvMusic
I've seen pictures of BJF pedals where the removal of velcro has taken off some of the paint/finish from the effect.
Is this common? And/or, is there away to use velcro and protect the pedal box finish? Any thought or suggestions will be appreciated.
Re: BJF Pedals and Velcro

Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:31 pm
by BJF
Try the diaper method:
Fold 3M ( velcro is often not strong enough) like a diaper and attach only the glue side on inside of bottomplate.
There's a guy that comes by my workshop now and then and he tours and flies and plays at bars with hen's net aswell as the Wembly Stadium. This guy has quite a few BJF pedals on his board and also at least one more orless plastic chinese- the purpose of mentioning this is that BJF pedals are heavy especially in comparision with a mostly plastic pedal.
Through touring velcro has not held his pedals on board and he says the JFK airport cargo is the toughest experience and so even a plastic pedal would come loose from the board.
To solve this all pedals now have 3M and folded around the edges of the bottomplates and that both keeps paint intact on all pedals but also keeps the pedals firmly in place and now even JFK is a breeze.
Glue works by filling all holes between surfaces.Now regardless of paint type or glue type neither will ever be as adhesive as a mechanical joint while some glues will take any paint with it and the joint between the velcro and paint may be stronger than the joint between the paint and the metal but then velcro glued on bare metal holds less well as compared to velcro folded and mechanically joint.
I did but velcro on my pedaltrain but as I put the board to stand on one short end for a few days all pedals started gravitating to ground- actually the velcro came off from the Pedaltrain........ while no paint on any bottomplate was scratched and all were easily cleaned with Alifatnafta the whole pedal board became a mess.........
One of these days I'll use 3M and the diaper method but while I am at it I mightaswell refigure what goes onto the board;)
Have fun
Re: BJF Pedals and Velcro

Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:25 pm
by LuvMusic
Thank you for the guidance and sharing your expertise on glues, materials and adhesion. Very helpful! I appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to counsel me.