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Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:09 am
by Strat-o-lux
I realize there's been plenty of discussion of this in past but I wanted to approach from a slightly different perspective. I’m soliciting suggestions here for “most versatile” 2-pedal OD stack. I’m in the early stages of exploring the tonal range of SHOD into LGW. I’ve only had the LGW for 2 days but it sounds promising - nice clean boost, but enough dirt on tap to eliminate the need for a heavier distortion pedal in many cases.
By “versatile” I mean being able to go (reasonably) convincingly from, say, Neil Young to Mick Taylor to Jimmy Page without switching guitars and amps (I picked those names for some readily identifiable sounds, not because I’d be covering them all at the same gig or at any gig). In recent circulation on the board are: Klon, Timmy, Tubeworks Realtube, Kanji Eternity, Habenero Boost. If I had room for 3 or 4 of them on the board it would be easy, but I don’t.
Working primarily as a freelancer requires that I be a tone chameleon, in contrast to those guys striving to perfect a consistent and distinctive personal sound. It’s a problem – some pit orchestra gigs barely allow me room for a Pedaltrain Mini - so I’m always trying to consolidate the number of pedals I need to haul around.
Thanks for any suggestions. Discovering BJF has opened up a whole new landscape.
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:59 am
by Strat-o-lux
Hmmm... this thread hasn't generated much interest. I was wondering specifically if anyone has comments on, say, SHOD (or HBO) > SBOD, or SHOD > EGDM, in contrast to my current trial of SHOD > LGW. Again, from the standpoint of range of different "classic" OD tones available, and hoping to be able to limit myself to 2 ODs on the board. I haven't really been able to get a good sense of how the EGDM sounds on lower gain settings from the sound clips I've found.
SHOD > LGW is certainly bringing me close to what I'm looking for. The interaction of the two is outstanding, and the combined "3rd knob" effect offers a huge range of more subtle tonal and dynamic variation. I'm eager to see how the HBO does in place of the SHOD, when it eventually arrives.
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:33 pm
by cabo
been thru this same sitution recently and went thru alot of 2 OD stacking,,for versitility and familiar classic rock sounds I couldnt find a better pair than the LGW and DRD,,but I am also using a HB guitar with coil splitting and series/parrallel switches that allow me to really get a wide variety of 'reasonalbly convincing, identifiable' sounds.
the tubscreamer is so widely used,,as are Marshall amps, that the LGW and DRD just seem to fit right.
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:45 pm
by cosmonaut
i, too, am waiting ever-so-patiently for responses to this thread...
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:49 pm
by Bobby D
Strat-o-lux wrote:Hmmm... this thread hasn't generated much interest. I was wondering specifically if anyone has comments on, say, SHOD (or HBO) > SBOD, or SHOD > EGDM, in contrast to my current trial of SHOD > LGW. Again, from the standpoint of range of different "classic" OD tones available, and hoping to be able to limit myself to 2 ODs on the board. I haven't really been able to get a good sense of how the EGDM sounds on lower gain settings from the sound clips I've found.
SHOD > LGW is certainly bringing me close to what I'm looking for. The interaction of the two is outstanding, and the combined "3rd knob" effect offers a huge range of more subtle tonal and dynamic variation. I'm eager to see how the HBO does in place of the SHOD, when it eventually arrives.
i am also a big fan of the SHOD/LGW combo.
my fave stack ever was THIS one, tho
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:53 pm
by cabo
the Sky Blue OD is very versitile on its own, while not much is ever said on its stacking possibilities, there are definately plenty worth trying. the BBOD,,but not for its versatility.

Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:10 pm
by Strat-o-lux
Gentlemen, thanks for the input. The Sky Blue seems an obvious to try alternative to the LGW. Too bad our bankers and politicians have turned the US dollar to s**t, otherwise I’d be ordering many more MP and BJF pedals.
The DRD and MRD both sound like major fun, but probably too far into heavy distortion territory for my general use. Love to try them anyway…
Slim, thanks for the vid. That’s also little too far into heavy distortion for my needs, but it sounds great! I have, in past, used a Fuzzface on low-gain setting (and guitar volume rolled off somewhat) into the Timmy for a nice dirty boost, but it’s too much of a balancing act with the guitar volume and overall sound levels. I’m wondering of one of the BJF Fuzz pedals might be more user friendly in that context. If the clean-up via guitar volume wasn't so abrupt (almost all or nothing) as with the Fuzzface it would be a winning combination.
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:08 pm
by mudster
I'm going to go with the MP LGW (or a TS-9 Tube Screamer) into a BJFE Honey Bee. You can get everything from clean boost to full on crunch with the LGW/TS9, then tweak the HB to smooth it out, emphasize a frequency, add grit when you pick harder, pull the volume up or down, etc.
I've tried several of the BJFE pedals. The HB is, IMHO, by far the most versatile of the OD's. It goes well with anything and makes anything sound great. Perhaps my answer should be ____[insert your favorite OD here}-________ > Honey Bee.
I have tried the HB in front of other OD's as well, but after much experimentation and on-the-gig use, I'm sticking with after. If you don't care for LGW/TS style OD's, go see a Doctor, but then try the Xotic AC boost which can go from complete clean boost to major drive while allowing you to control the bass and treble independently. Very versatile and cheap OD. Expensive is not better in the world of OD's and what is trendy is just that.
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:34 am
by Strat-o-lux
I'm going to go with the MP LGW (or a TS-9 Tube Screamer) into a BJFE Honey Bee. You can get everything from clean boost to full on crunch with the LGW/TS9, then tweak the HB to smooth it out, emphasize a frequency, add grit when you pick harder, pull the volume up or down, etc.
Interesting. I've only briefly tried the LGW in front of the SHOD, as I'm liking it very much SHOD>LGW. I felt I lost some of the SHOD's dynamics and touch response with LGW in front. But I will give that another try. I'm awaiting the next batch of HBOs.
I do not like TS-type ODs (and as a working musician, I can't afford to see a doctor). The LGW is a big improvement over TS (my opinion) but I still probably wouldn't use it much alone; however, stacked with the SHOD it really shines. At this point I'm quite content (but eager to try HBO) - I've found nearly all the sounds I need in this stack, it's very dynamic, and it works well with a variety of amps.
Didn't much care for the AC Boost. I used one briefly but it got booted soon as I got my hands on a Timmy. Personal taste: no gripe with the Xotic stuff - seems well designed and well built.
Thanks for the input.
Re: Most versatile 2-pedal (OD) stack

Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:47 am
by Bobby D
i haven't tried the SHOD in front of LGW yet.....hmmmm......
but i am WITH YOU -- tired of TS style OD. using them since they came out in 79-80.
like the "zingy stringy" quality of SHOD
trying to narrow my working board down to the essentials......SWF, SHOD, LGW seem to be staying.....
or else i'm just gonna have to get a BIGGER BOARD