Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:46 am
by Donner
Another batch of the Sparkling Yellow OverDrive version 2 is coming !~!
(This is a rethinking of the original SYOD after the SOOD research was considered)
heres the earlier thread if you missed it or want to reacquaint yourself with the details ......
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1513Since that contest was about dreams .....
Lets do 'Recurring Dreams' for this one......
Your post IS your entry in the contest ....
I will pick one for best content and one at random so you have a chance either way just for trying
They are still $499 paypalled and shipped
and they are still enroute so it will be at least next week before any are awarded .....
SO tell us about any Recurring dreams you have had........

Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:20 am
by mrpicard
My "recurring dream" was that I would get this map pluggin sorted out and I did.. By the way, the reason why I am so quiet at the moment is because I am wandering around Europe somewhere. This shows where I am at the moment - this is Utrecht about 30km out of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. I can't seem to find any SYOD V.2 pedals here anywhere...
View Larger Map
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:57 am
by seans
My recurring dream is that one day I would win draw for a SYOD!!! And that's the truth!!
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 4:30 pm
by Donner
...I had this recurring dream when I was a kid that I was on a swing and swung as I high as I could and jumped off but instead of landing I would start flying - very vivid and I had it hundreds of times......
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:25 pm
by Windfeld
Hi Guys...
I am from Denmark, so I hope I will be able to write this correctly so that you can understand it:D. hehe.
I used to have this dream... well, almost a nightmare I guess. I had it from the age of 18 and until I was around 20.
I starts out as a pretty "normal" dream. at the time I was studying really intensive for an audition to a 3-year course that would help me get in to the Rhytmic Music Conservatory.
... I wake up the day of the audition. I have slept well the entire night, and I am not really feeling nervous at all. I get up, practice my tunes and do some eartraining. I leave home, and I have to take the bus to the school. The drive should take around an hour, and I have left home in good time, so I can afford to miss the first Bus. I do miss the first bus, but the 2nd one arrives soon after. I sit looking out the window trying to control my nerves. After sitting there for a while I realize that the bus is not moving at all, because of a traffic accident further up the road. I am now in quite a hurry, and I ask the bus driver to let me off the bus, so I can catch a taxi. I take a taxi to the school, and gets there just in time for the audition. I have been almost too much in a hurry to feel nervous. I get in there and my hands gets really sweaty, I introduce my tunes, and the band, but when I am about to start playing my Index finger on the left hand is missing... I panic, and try to figure out some other tune where I won't have to use the index finger... Then everything goes black.
I wake up in a completely dark hall with a spotlight on me. After a while the room is lit. It is all white, like in the matrix before they load the weapons (you remember right?). The only thing in there besides me is a looong line of Domino Pieces (is that what it is called? perhaps domino tiles?). Each Domino piece is the size of a 3 story building. All the time there is this piano sound playing a weird and very annoying melody on the top 5 keys. It is almost like tinnitus - a constant insane melody over and over again. I can't see the end of the Domino Pieces, and I begin to walk towards the end. The melody plays in time with my footsteps. Every 100 piece I get to a huge circle of domino pieces... Probably the size of 2 football fields. I walk around the circle to try and find some kind of exit, but there is none, the line just continues on the other side of the circle. This just keeps going on, all the while the melody plays louder and louder until I can't focus on walking anymore. I fall down on my knees, put my hands against my ears, and then the domino pieces begin to fall into each other. I try to get up and run away, but I can't move, and the noise and the melody gets louder and louder in my head until I wake up...
Sometimes it would end with me suddenly being in a jungle at the edge of a cliff, and I would stumble and fall out over the edge. I would keep falling and falling, and then wake up lying on the floor beside my bed:)
I had that dream MANY times for a few years. The first part of the dream varied a little from time to time, but the 2nd part was the EXACT same every single time, and it was actually really scary - a lot more scary than I was able to express here. It is funny to sit here and write it down now. I haven't really talked to anyone about it. But on some subconscious level I think it was part of me deciding to wait with the audition. I waited, worked a lot, travelled a lot, and when I got back I went to the audition. I did not get in the first year I tried, but the year after at the age of 22 I got in to the school, and that is where I am now. Now I am practicing for the audition to the music conservatory in January. Hopefully this dream won't begin to come back now that I have put it out in the open. hehe.
I am sorry for any spelling errors etc. As I mentioned english is not my language. I would probably have been easier to describe it in my own language, but I gave it a try!
Thanks for listening guys!
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 10:33 pm
by zion
One dream (of a handful) that I seem to have annually is this:
There is a valley near where I grew up in the mountains of North Carolina.
The valley is called the "Devil's Punchbowl."
In the dream, a black bear is chasing some friends and I through the woods down into the Devils Punchbowl.
We run into a cabin. Log type with chinking and a tin roof. We're drenched with sweat and rain. Yes it's raining.
We bar the door with a great length of lumber similar to what is used to secure a barn.
We are in the heart of the mother of all thunder storms.
Then the boulders come. Bigfoot is throwing boulders on top of the tin roof. You can imagine the sounds of boulders being thrown by Bigfoot up on a tin roof.
We can only barely make him out through the windows when the weather lights up the outside. He's desperately searching for more boulders to throw at the cabin.
Now I've had this dream once a year for as far back as I can remember.
And it has evolved in a unique way. The last few years when the dream starts, I recognize it. Now I watch on a ridge on the edge of the Devil's Punchbowl. I see myself and my friends being chased by the bear.
I know what is going to happen next but I can't do anything about it. Now it's like I'm having the dream in 3D. I'm in the cabin boarding up the door while at the same time I'm on the ridge watching myself in this "dream".
Myself on the ridge is saying that this is "that" dream but it goes on, played out the same as always. Myself in the cabin is just as scared and I wake up with my heart pounding.
And I still don't know what happens to the bear.
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Thu Jun 18, 2009 11:33 pm
by melodichaotic
My recurring dream is about Led Zeppelin. I've never had one same recurring dream play out the same way over the years(and I have pretty good recall from age 7), so this is the closest and strongest candidate I can think of.
This has been going on since 1980 just after John Bonham passed away. I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily obsessed with them, it's more like this initial incredible stun that's perpetuated into a continuing appreciation that the four of them ever got together in the first place and made the music they did.
Sorry in advance for the length, but a little set-up is in order.
I had the very good fortune to have seen them in 1977, so I consider myself lucky. I am glad, since we had got to Madison Square Garden early(tickets BTW were pre-ordered by mail, at $8.50 each!), that my cousin and I went up to the front of the stage, and got a close-up of their gear pre-show--the Marshall cabs, Vista-lite Ludwig kit, JPJ's keyboard, and of course each of their large cryptic symbols emblazoned across--very awe inspiring for my 13 year old brain!
Zep II was the album in 1976 that re-arranged my inner musical cosmos for good, since having been (and still am), a Die- Hard Beatle fan from the wee young age of 6( and my brother and I then freaking out over the intro to "Revolution" on 45, but then that's another story).
The sounds, the playing, the chemistry, the songs, the vibe and energy, etc--I was blown away..."The Lemon Song" particularly stood out--exceptional bass grooves noted, among everything else going on.
Took up the guitar shortly afterward, and then the drums a year later and never looked back.
I've had many numerous and varied dreams about them right up until literally 3 weeks ago. Generally it involves being at usually an outdoor event of some sort, large crowds, hearing this alluring music, and then getting close enough to the stage to see and hear Zep play, and most of the time, my brain was processing music I had never heard them do before.
Of these literal hundred-plus dreams I've had of varying lengths and degrees, I'll highlight some of the more keen moments:
One such dream, not long after Bonzo passed, was me walking by myself down a curved asphalt path running parallel to a tall, black wrought-iron gate, mid-day, raining and hazy, lush green vegetation indicating late spring/early summer, and coming upon a bench with a figure seated, slightly hunched over, wearing a long dark-green trench coat and matching rain hat, looking down, face obscured.
As I approached the figure raised his head, and it was Bonham. At that moment I realized as I looked through the gates that I was at a cemetery. Bonzo asked me to sit, and we talked for what seemed like hours about music, his playing,his influence, Zep, my sorrow for his passing...
Another vivid one(circa 1981) involved walking into a record store(yes, when LP's still dominated), and perusing through bins of records and hearing, for the first time the "new" Zep release(what would've been after "In through the Out Door").
I saw the promotional mobiles hanging in the small Mom and Pop shop, and I came across the album, pulled it from the bin, and held it mesmerized with both hands.
The cover was all white, with no title or any indication of who the artist was, and with what looked like an ink blotch near the center-- like the cards psychiatrists have used to have their patients tell them what they see when they look at it--and that seemed to be just the point...all this connecting while I clearly heard this "new" Zep music playing in the store--bluesy, raw, tight, yet progressive sounding(nothing like what was happening in the early '80's)--more like it took off where "Presence" left off..wish there was some way I could have recorded it.
Another memorable short tidbit, maybe occurring around the mid 80's, was seeing Zep in an outdoor concert setting and being center stage, orchestra seat, and watching Jimmy Page go into a solo, and doing this classic Page "seat of the pants" playing, but with 2-handed tapping like Eddie...only it was seamlessly woven into the fabric of the melody and improv, with these wicked rhythmic irregularities, and angular lines--like a super-charged version of the great verse riff Page plays on "In the Light" off "Physical Graffiti" (not, the typical order of the day which was "Ok, watch me now as I drop into keyboard sequenced, predictable arpeggiated tapping, let's shamelessly rip-off Eddie " mode)...again, if only I had a subconscious, REM, dicombobulating recorder at the time to capture it all.....oh well.
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Fri Jun 19, 2009 12:35 am
by Miskha
My father told me when I was much younger that he used to work at the Hollywood Bowl as a parking attendant. He had this vest that signified his job and for sold out acts or huge concerts my father would let his sister (my aunt) wear the vest so that she could sneak in.
Since then I've had a dream that comes every so often that begins with me wearing that vest and my father (a much younger version) telling me where to go and how to get into a concert. Sometimes the playing act varies, but it's usually Pink Floyd. One particularly poignant version of this dream involved me watching Floyd perform "Shine On You Crazy Diamond," and when the words "You reached for the secret too soon," were uttered, the ground broke away and I was falling backward into darkness. This caused me to wake up quickly in real life. I promptly listened to the album version of the song but, alas, the ground didn't break away into cosmic oblivion. Maybe some time it will!
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:22 am
by mrpicard
Donner wrote:...I had this recurring dream when I was a kid that I was on a swing and swung as I high as I could and jumped off but instead of landing I would start flying - very vivid and I had it hundreds of times......
You know, I used to have exactly the same flying dreams all the time as a kid!! I would start flying by running into the wind. They were so real. The flying dreams happened so often that I would know it would happen so in my dreams I would purposely improve my skills by learning how to take off, fly, control the flying better etc. Kind of like merging reality and dreaming. After a while I became an expert flyer. Now I am old I don't have those dreams, funny really...
Re: Contest Drawing : SYOD V.2 Recurring Dream

Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:49 am
by melodichaotic
mrpicard wrote:Donner wrote:...I had this recurring dream when I was a kid that I was on a swing and swung as I high as I could and jumped off but instead of landing I would start flying - very vivid and I had it hundreds of times......
You know, I used to have exactly the same flying dreams all the time as a kid!! I would start flying by running into the wind. They were so real. The flying dreams happened so often that I would know it would happen so in my dreams I would purposely improve my skills by learning how to take off, fly, control the flying better etc. Kind of like merging reality and dreaming. After a while I became an expert flyer. Now I am old I don't have those dreams, funny really...
Yup, same here as well! And yes, the lucid ones are the best where you really can dial in much control over speed, altitude, direction...impressing the dream hotties!
Yeah, many I would just jump up and go ridiculously high into the upper atmosphere. Very cool stuff...I've not had them for a while meeself, but then again I haven't tried lately either...nah, never too old mate!