Wooohooo, that is so cool

Seriously, I have loved the developed of this pedal since the very beginning and actually have the first prototype, the The Dynamic Amber Overdrive (DAOD). So, I am absolutely thrilled to have the final version of if - it completes the cycle. Otherwise I was going to have to hunt down a winner on this forum and eliminate them for their BJFE pedal...again..

So, as a treat I will see if I can do a thread that compares the original SYOD prototype, the first version of the SYOD and now SYOD V.2. The idea will be to see how BJ goes through the research process and how things start to how they end up. That could be very interesting and hopefully will give some insight into how BJ thinks about these things and how and why we finally get to where the production pedal comes out.
OK, being as I won because of graphics, here is a little trick for you: take this image and then drag it all over the screen. I bet you can't do that on another image on the forum, in fact probably not on any other forum either!! Another new graphic feature brought you by ole picard