thank you guys!
well, one thing is for SURE........the SHOD is NOT....i repeat NOT! the honeybee.
while i could hear a distant relation, an almost subtle quality in the upper mids that reminded me of the honeybee, this is a completely different pedal.
it is a testament to my faith in Bjorn and Harri that i went onstage with the SHOD, having never heard it, nor had i tested it to see if it even worked
first nite, i experimented with it. was saddled with a backline amp, fender hotrod deluxe.....
this pedal is NOT very "forgiving". it is indeed tighter and more focused than the honeybee......but i found myself missing some of that "honeybee feel"
to me, this pedal sounds closer to the Sparkling Yellow OD, with a touch less gain.....maybe the SHOD is the child of the SYOD and not the HBOD....hmmmmm?????
what i REALLY liked about the SHOD was the sparkle like quiality, the "zing on the strings", the "stringiness", and the presence of the pedal. it DOES NOT sound like a tube screamer! and it will probably make many people happy that are sick of the tube screamer sound and want something different. such as myself
by the second nite, i had dialed the SHOD in to a good setting, and set about dialing in my LGW and SWF to stack with the SHOD.
the SWF into the SHOD was a REALLY good sound, and got me sort of close to a Dyna Red sort of sound, but more open and less compressed. YAY!!!!!
LGW into SHOD was very good too, with more mid content, i tried to dial some of that out with the "body" knob, and got a pretty good heavy OD sound with LGW into SHOD.
i REALLY liked that basic tonality of the SHOD, and with a strat, it made all the individual pickup selections jump out bright and clear, especially the 2 and 4 "in between" positions were very mark knopfler-like.....
it's a WINNER.....and it's NOT a honeybee. not even close. i get my PGC, and run that pedal into the SHOD, it might be closer to a honeybee. the SHOD does not have that magical dynamic honeybee thing going on the way the honeybee does.
wanna know what's funny? the SHOD addresses the couple of issues i said i would change on the honeybee. and i DO love the SHOD.
but guess what??? i miss those exact things i complained about
guitar players can be SO FICKLE sometimes.....
here's my little photo essay of SHOD in paradise:

we arrive in key west, and SHOD gets some sun....

nice shot on the boardwalk!

SHOD in the mouth of a 17th century cannon

this conch fisherman liked the SHOD

another fan of the SHOD!

this is a shot of the SHOD at Mel Fisher's museum. Mel was the guy who discovered the treasure of the Atocha, and this was his mantra. "Today is the day". He said that for TWENTY YEARS before he found the treasure.
i think it's a good mantra for those waiting for BJFE pedals.....

this is the SHOD at the Mel Fisher Museum, in a box of gold coins......the MONEY SHOT!

i call this one SWEET HONEY IN THE ROCK

one last one.....being held by one of the maritime statues......