question about optimum voltages for HBOD, SBEQ, SBMV....

Hi... I am new to both the forum and BJFe pedals.... but I am already very passionate about the pedals... I've tried many, and to me the BJFe pedals really stand out in terms of their ability to work WITH both the amp and the guitar... they become part of the whole instrument in a way I haven't experienced. My pedal needs are pretty simple, but at this point I have sold everything except a hand wired Lovepedal Eternity... everything else is BJFe!
I am writing this to ask a question about voltages.... I read the excellent post by Donner listing all the voltage ranges, and the following three are for my pedals:
Mint Green Mini Vibe 8-18V Mighty Green Mini Vibe and 2SMV's 8-18V (I assume my "Sea Blue Mini Vibe" would be the same..)
Sea Blue EQ 9-18V
Honey Bee OD 7-15V
Right now I am using a T-Rex Fuel Tank Jr, which has five isolated 9 volt outs, but with my tuner, the Lovepedal and the little loop pedal I am getting (the SBMV changes the tone when in bypass mode, so I want to put that in a loop), I will need one extra out... I could chain the looper and tuner together, but I had another thought, which is the reason for this post....
I am considering a Burkey Flatliner Six, which has six outs that are variable at 9v - 12v - 15v - 18v. I wanted to know if I would benefit from using different voltages with these particular pedals.... The T-Rex seems like a great unit, but if the extra voltage would be better for one or more of my pedals, it might be worth getting the Flatliner (or a model by Lee Jackson.
Thanks, and thanks for all the great info and stories I have found on this site!
I am writing this to ask a question about voltages.... I read the excellent post by Donner listing all the voltage ranges, and the following three are for my pedals:
Mint Green Mini Vibe 8-18V Mighty Green Mini Vibe and 2SMV's 8-18V (I assume my "Sea Blue Mini Vibe" would be the same..)
Sea Blue EQ 9-18V
Honey Bee OD 7-15V
Right now I am using a T-Rex Fuel Tank Jr, which has five isolated 9 volt outs, but with my tuner, the Lovepedal and the little loop pedal I am getting (the SBMV changes the tone when in bypass mode, so I want to put that in a loop), I will need one extra out... I could chain the looper and tuner together, but I had another thought, which is the reason for this post....
I am considering a Burkey Flatliner Six, which has six outs that are variable at 9v - 12v - 15v - 18v. I wanted to know if I would benefit from using different voltages with these particular pedals.... The T-Rex seems like a great unit, but if the extra voltage would be better for one or more of my pedals, it might be worth getting the Flatliner (or a model by Lee Jackson.
Thanks, and thanks for all the great info and stories I have found on this site!