analoghog wrote:....I LOVE that song!...and you two sound great together!!....i'm always a sucker for slide's probably the biggest reason i started playing guitar.....and if you couldn't tell by my avatar, i'm a big Tom Waits fan, HaHaaaa....nice vid Slim !!
yeah, it's weird. we have always had this sort of synergy together when we play. he jammed with me a LOT when he was a teenager. then i moved away from tampa and didn't see him for a few years, but whenever he is on this side of the state, we try to get together to play a little. last time we jammed, it has become almost legend around here, it was a solid HOUR of us just taking it higher and higher and higher.....i wish i would have had video or audio of that night, but the people that were there (a couple of them were there last nite) still remember it vividly. it weird with guitar players......some you "gel" with, some you don't. it really depends upon the level of respect and open-ness that each player has for the other.
i love tom waits too! my best friend in college did his THESIS on tom.....the trilogy of franks wild years, swordfishtrombones, and another one.....pretty wild thesis. i'll have to dig up the link for you if you wanna read it.
i hope Damon's record really blows up, he told me that ABC television has already been using some of his music, and maybe he will get some euro touring going on, so i can hop on board and come to SWEDEN