thiscalltoarms wrote:Slim,
It was the version 1 that we had in our tourbox. That thing blew my mind- I was haunted and desperate for one after that box.
I tried everything to get one, took me about 2 months to track on down- finally got my hands on the one formerly owned by Analoghog. Its been my go to overdrive with my HBOD ever since. Its never leaving. Its killer with my amps!
I should point out that your syod demo made me jealous that entire 2months before I got my hands on one for keeps. Its a killer pedal, so sweet and cutting. Just enough gain cranked. But awesome range of tones on the gain control, and a crapload of boost available. its perfect for me.
i kept talking to BJ about my LOVE for the dyna red TONE, but it was too compressed and gainy at times, loved the honeybee, but it was not enough gain, too much the LGW, but i'm just "tired" of the tube screamer, since i bought a ts-808 in 1980 when i was i been using tube screemas for a LONG time. still, the LGW is one of the best sounding YATS i have ever heard, it's the "body" knob that i love.
i keep seeking the RIGHT OD/distortion for a strat, something that is gainier and sharper than a tube screamer....
and BJ said i should go back and listen to the SYOD. hmmmm.....
i already know the SWF is my "fuzz for life".....nothing else i have ever heard touches that pedal FOR ME......i love it.
maybe i need to inquire about possibly trying to order an SYOD. and patiently waiting.....

oh yes...i'm gonna have to try newarks new SHOD.....maybe THAT will cure my lust for the SYOD. i REALLY REALLY hope it does, as it will be a LOT easier to get an SHOD than to try and get an SYOD.....but there's something so ALIVE and stringy and SHARP about that SYOD. i can hear why you love it!
and i bet it would be great into some of the darker backline amps, too.....