BJF wrote:
However, Sickle over at the D*A*M forum was extremely nice and gave me a Gibson FZ-1B to repair and keep if I got it running. I lent it to a popstar here who recorded with it last week. That thing got my mind working for a different fuzz sound... it made me play all kinds of 70's rock riffs I only remember from hearing through my elder brothers bedroomdoor- funny how music lingers in the mind year after year....ah there are tons of fuzz sounds inspiring all kinds of music.
Hey Slim is that a Watson Wha? Watson as in the guy that makes Shine Ei replicas?
Have fun
BJ, it's a Wilson wah....Kevin recreated the ibanez WH10, which is a very cool sounding wah. Kevin makes a few other pedals as well, and about a dozen wahs. Watson makes the superfuzz clone, i think they are a different company.
hmmmm.....playing an FZ-1B and getting inspired? time for another wild BJF fuzz???
seems like those people who collect a lot of pedals seem to have FUZZ more than any other pedal. i think this is because while overdrives can be similar, there are many more flavors of fuzz