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Does HoneyBee stack well with Dyna Red?

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 4:05 am
by funkyjoseph

I would like to know if Honeybee overdrive stacks well with Dyna Red
Distortion pedal.

I tried stacking a ts808 with my DRD and the sound really sucks!

I'm looking for an overdrive pedal to replace the ts808.

Please advise from your experiences. Thanks!

Re: Does HoneyBee stack well with Dyna Red?

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 6:38 am
by huckleboogie
yes IMO. i used the DRD into the HB combo for two years straight. HB gave me nice natural light OD on every kind of backline amp (and there were many, also crappy ones) ,and for wild over the top sounds i fed the DRD into it. always worked great. i hear some people on this forum stack em the other way around and rave about the sounds HB into DRD can produce.
i'd like to say ,though, that You'll get an even more defined sound if You stack your DRD into a MP sweet honey OD. this is what i will do in the future. last night i stacked it into a HAO rust booster, AWESOME.
as the DRD has quite some upper mids and a lot of compression, i cannot imagine it to work well with a tubescreamer.

Re: Does HoneyBee stack well with Dyna Red?

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:28 am
by thiscalltoarms
personally, i like the DRD INTO the HBOD, but the other way around is kinda meh. if you're looking for a TS-ish stacker, try the LGW (less humpy, better gain structuring, EQ shift in the tone knob) as an awesome TS-ish sorta tones. You can get the MP one for just over 200 bones in near perfect condition.

the other awesome companion pedal is the SYOD- a perfectly suplemental EQ, gain structuring, nd gain range. but not TS-ish at all. its more of a cutting bright pedal... way harder to find and more expensive, but sooo good.

try a LGW, they're dirt cheap for bjfe/madprof effects