Re: BJFE Flametop (FLT) Review

Tue May 12, 2009 10:12 pm
by Donner
cool reviews --- its also an awsome stacker - like run it into a DRD or HB - its a great second channel or lead boost
Re: BJFE Flametop (FLT) Review

Wed Jul 15, 2009 8:47 pm
by EyeFly
Honeymoon is over with the Flametop and thought I'd pen a line or three about my overall impression.
Mrpicard has done a thorough review of this pedal a bit ago and I certainly can't add much to his history lesson or overall description of the characteristics and controls.
I'm still playing my PRS Custom 22 into a Flexi 50. The "individualities" of the pedal can certainly be appreciated by simply selecting various pick-ups or combinations and can go from barely noticeable to very amp like overdrive. I will agree with the previous review that the center or "tone/nature" knob works in perfect concert with the overdrive; "more yields more" especially at the full clockwise location. Unity on the volume is around 9:00 o'clock.
It is a great light overdrive that can definitely stand alone. However, I've moved it around on my board to several locations but always revert to a position AFTER the BBOD, DRD, and LGW. I like the overdrive on the Flametop at noon and the tone near full clockwise with volume at unity. I find that adding the Flametop after any and all of the above with these settings, regardless of the settings on the "primary" OD/distortion, gives a "stadium" effect even at low volumes. Its difficult to describe but it just takes the tone to the next level. Close your eyes and you just mic'd up your rig to a big stadium style PA. Okay, its not a recurring dream but it can be a real recurring reverie!!
That's verbiage enough for now. Thought it a great time to revisit a keeper!