BJFE Little green wonder value?

Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:29 am
by Windfeld
Hi Guys
What is the BJF LGW version worth? I just recently got one of these, and I haven't got room for it, so I will most likely sell it. Haven't seen a lot of these for sale, so please help me out:D
Re: BJFE Little green wonder value?

Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:56 am
by Windfeld
Hehe. Right:D. I forgot..
So can anyone help me out for real?

Re: BJFE Little green wonder value?

Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:09 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
I bought one for around $400, but that was a few months ago. May have changed.
Re: BJFE Little green wonder value?

Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:44 pm
by mudster
Maybe it was too high, but I paid $425 for an older one in really great condition. I just got it today and it sounds really good.
It is very quiet at any volume (just saying that brings on cognitive dissonance). The nature knob (think that was what it was called) is pretty cool although I'm not sure I completely understand it - all the way clockwise sounds like a boost to the upper mids/highs while all the way counterclockwise is very bright as well, but in another way, more throaty and very musical. In between settings don't necessarily seem to move in a smooth gradient from one end of the spectrum to another. It is almost like there are shades of three tones. All the way and almost all the way counterclockwise and vice versa and the middle settings which are very similar.
So far, I really like this pedal. Combined with the Honeybee, it is very satisfying, although you could run anything into that honeybee and it would sound pretty darn good coming out the other end.
Edit - It was the "body" knob, which is a really good description of what it controls. Cool pedal as there are useful sounds in the full range of the drive and body.