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Model Popularity

Mon Jun 25, 2007 2:24 pm
by Donner
Just did an update on the Pedal Stats, its been a year and a half since the last one and its interesting to see how the 'rankings' have shifted a bit since then
Current list and numbers:
BBOD 500 ( and retired )
DRD 349
HB 328
PPF 175
PGC 170
SBEQ 169
EGDM 141
LGW 117 ( MP model now)
RRB 112
BPB 95
CAF 61
3BOD 50
SYT 39 (retired)
LRT 27

Mon Jun 25, 2007 3:05 pm
by DocRock
Interesting, I always thought the HBOD was the #1 all-time seller. Hm, learned something new today....
Do you have information as to what date a given model was introduced / discontinued, etc.?

Mon Jun 25, 2007 4:24 pm
by Donner
Yeah the HBOD is about to catch the DRD, still aways to go on the BBOD but it had a headstart too ; ]
this is from the Pedal Stats Page on the Ref site:
Order and Date Pedals went into Production
BBOD 001216
DRD 010509
BPB 010826
CAF 011028
3BOD 011221
LRT 020122
MGMV 020122
PPF 020309
PGC 021204
HB 021204
SYT 021204
LGW 030108
RRB 030527
EGDM 030930
SBEQ 040906

Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:48 pm
by JKoeth
It looks like we're missing the custom shop pedals and a few others: Model R, VCF, PPP, Folk Fuzz, Folk Phaser, etc.
Donner, could you get the stats on those too? I think it would be cool.

Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:59 pm
by Donner
Yeah I was thinking aobut the customshop numbers today Jamie as soon the R and Folk Fuzz will be up there with some of the lower rungs on that ladder.....hmmmm

Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:28 pm
by BJF
Hm, I think I'll take the oppurtunity and post a a few special things about each model in the profile section as in when model was designed and released-not always the same thing and a little background on the whys and hows of the models. Little by little as time allows
Have fun

Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:31 pm
by DocRock
Yes, I think we would all greatly enjoy a bit of history about our beloved little sonic treasures....