Contest Drawing: Flametop Limericks

...this run of boxes is sort of a tribute to the birth of the Honey Bee ... the Honey Bee was born as a 'special' for the 2002 Swedish guitar show that BJ was going to have a booth at. He wanted something unique and of course eye catching,,, we had been talking about a Blueberry Bass Od voiced for guitar and I was working on making guitar looking pedal boxes and was working on doing a Flametop Les Paul looking pedal ..... a bright cherry sunburst would be eye catching ...... but BJ mentioned rather than CherrySunburst , he preffered HoneyBurst LesPauls - 'Honey B' and then it was morphed into a useable animal name - Honey Bee as its fat and buzzy but also sweet and he made the now famous Honey Bee OD......
so these are like the Flametop boxes I had thought of originally but was unable to make back then.....

as these are little $499 pots of gold at the end of the bjf rainbow for many, and as St. Paddys day approaches --- lets do
5 lines
The following example of a limerick is of anonymous origin. (from wikipedia)
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical,
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean,
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
So write one, post it here and Ill choose a winner for the first one and then draw a random winner for the second Flametop OD
so these are like the Flametop boxes I had thought of originally but was unable to make back then.....

as these are little $499 pots of gold at the end of the bjf rainbow for many, and as St. Paddys day approaches --- lets do

5 lines
The following example of a limerick is of anonymous origin. (from wikipedia)
The limerick packs laughs anatomical
In space that is quite economical,
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean,
And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
So write one, post it here and Ill choose a winner for the first one and then draw a random winner for the second Flametop OD