Little Green Wonder BJFE vs MP?

Hello and greeting from Kansas. This is actually my first post here!
I was wondering if anyone has compared the BJFE Little Green Wonder and the Mad Professor equivalent? Is there an audible difference (to people other than Eric Johnson)?
Would it be worth seeking out a used LGW rather than buying the MP version?
From one of BJ's comments I saw in the FAQ or somewhere on the site, it appears there was more than one version of the BJFE LGW. Any comments welcome.
I play into either divided by 13 amps (moderately clean amps) or an old Vox (lots of grind), and I don't like that many overdrives on the market. I prefer the old TS9 or the small box Rat. I don't like super transparency in an OD, nor extreme metal-shred distortion. I dig a singing, vocal-like, Jeff Beckish tone. I also dig Terje Rypdal's tone.
Also a big fan of Rory Gallagher's tone.
I'm open to recommendations on other BJFE pedals. I've got a Honey Bee on order.
Glad to meet ya'll.
I was wondering if anyone has compared the BJFE Little Green Wonder and the Mad Professor equivalent? Is there an audible difference (to people other than Eric Johnson)?
Would it be worth seeking out a used LGW rather than buying the MP version?
From one of BJ's comments I saw in the FAQ or somewhere on the site, it appears there was more than one version of the BJFE LGW. Any comments welcome.
I play into either divided by 13 amps (moderately clean amps) or an old Vox (lots of grind), and I don't like that many overdrives on the market. I prefer the old TS9 or the small box Rat. I don't like super transparency in an OD, nor extreme metal-shred distortion. I dig a singing, vocal-like, Jeff Beckish tone. I also dig Terje Rypdal's tone.
Also a big fan of Rory Gallagher's tone.
I'm open to recommendations on other BJFE pedals. I've got a Honey Bee on order.
Glad to meet ya'll.