So is this a good idea, or just silly? (TOP cont.)

Actually, my ears tell me its a good idea so I'm probably gonna do it, but I wondered if anybody else has gotten this crazy.
I recently bought myself a TOP on ebay 'cause I missed my old one so much. Then, by total coincidence baiscally, I actually got my old TOP back in a new trade with our own Slim Henderson. I'd originally been planning to sell the 2nd one--why have 2 right? And while I love the phaser I've been using, a prophecysound 777 flying pan clone, its enormous and there is something about its resonance peak that has never seemed quite right to me.
SO. I tried a little experiment, having 2 TOPs in front of me along with my new 2 stomp vibe... and as some of you know or have read me talk about, the vibe and the TOP set to the clockwise anti-phase (or whatever) setting makes an incredible modulation combo, sort of acting like the top and bottom speaker of a rotating leslie. So I set that up before all my dirt, and put the 2nd TOP after the dirt set like a standard phaser.
I do believe I reached modulation heaven. With some nice tape echo, Fromel's DC-2 clone, and a little reverb I was floating in the dreamiest sea of sound I've ever heard. I can't say the 1st TOP at the beginning of the chain was absolutely essential, but when you took it out you were definitely losing a layer of something... something I don't know if you can really get any other way.
So I think I'm gonna have 2 TOPs on my board now. One early set CW, the other late set CCW.

I recently bought myself a TOP on ebay 'cause I missed my old one so much. Then, by total coincidence baiscally, I actually got my old TOP back in a new trade with our own Slim Henderson. I'd originally been planning to sell the 2nd one--why have 2 right? And while I love the phaser I've been using, a prophecysound 777 flying pan clone, its enormous and there is something about its resonance peak that has never seemed quite right to me.
SO. I tried a little experiment, having 2 TOPs in front of me along with my new 2 stomp vibe... and as some of you know or have read me talk about, the vibe and the TOP set to the clockwise anti-phase (or whatever) setting makes an incredible modulation combo, sort of acting like the top and bottom speaker of a rotating leslie. So I set that up before all my dirt, and put the 2nd TOP after the dirt set like a standard phaser.
I do believe I reached modulation heaven. With some nice tape echo, Fromel's DC-2 clone, and a little reverb I was floating in the dreamiest sea of sound I've ever heard. I can't say the 1st TOP at the beginning of the chain was absolutely essential, but when you took it out you were definitely losing a layer of something... something I don't know if you can really get any other way.
So I think I'm gonna have 2 TOPs on my board now. One early set CW, the other late set CCW.