Can the PGC retain your pick attack?

Hey guys-
I'm still debating between getting a Forest Green or the Pine Green.
I want a compressor to leave on all the time as a tone enhancer (like my Barber tone press). My main beef with compressors is they are great clean, but when run into dirt all my attack is gone, and I get no crunch on chords, and everything is overly compressed. Most compressors I would just turn off when accompanied with dirt. this is why I like compressors that can blend your dry signal with the wet - so i can retain my pick attack, but still get the sustain and bloom of a comp.
I've been thinking about the sustainer feature on the Forest Green and it seems to make more sense for keeping my pick attack with dirt. But I have heard the Pine Green is unmatched for cleans...
So will the PGC still retain your pick attack with dirt on lower settings? Or would i be better off getting the Forest Green for the sustainer feature?
Or should I try and get one of the elusive PGC Deluxes?
I am going insane with this decision...
I'm still debating between getting a Forest Green or the Pine Green.
I want a compressor to leave on all the time as a tone enhancer (like my Barber tone press). My main beef with compressors is they are great clean, but when run into dirt all my attack is gone, and I get no crunch on chords, and everything is overly compressed. Most compressors I would just turn off when accompanied with dirt. this is why I like compressors that can blend your dry signal with the wet - so i can retain my pick attack, but still get the sustain and bloom of a comp.
I've been thinking about the sustainer feature on the Forest Green and it seems to make more sense for keeping my pick attack with dirt. But I have heard the Pine Green is unmatched for cleans...
So will the PGC still retain your pick attack with dirt on lower settings? Or would i be better off getting the Forest Green for the sustainer feature?
Or should I try and get one of the elusive PGC Deluxes?

I am going insane with this decision...