Hah...I got a dream for yah....
So I recently made a big life change. Despite fighting this tooth and nail all the way, I finaly got...........a cell phone. SO I'm no technophobe as I've done lots of programming, I've built computers from parts, and I'm a technical professional. Since I can't have a cell at work, I never really had the need for one, but as my whole family has them, it's just $10 more for me to get one too, and our land-line sucks...so we dropped it and I got one.
So my kids help set it up and when you first turn it on it has this circle of people I call most frequently, with all their pictures on icons. So My kids showed me that I can hit the arrows to turn the wheel onto the person I want to call and then just hit the call button. OK..cool...just like a regular phone. SO I get used to turning the circle to somebody's picture and hitting the button to call them (I learned to dial a number too). Well then they started this texting thing and that is just crazy. A keyboard that is waaay to small for my typing finger, and 3 letters per key...what's up with that. So I barely even turn it on daily...and now it bugs everyone that I usually don't get back to them within any sort of near-term.
Sound asleep early one morning I'm dreaming about being asleep and and I'm awakened by my phone going absolutely berzerk. Well coolest thing about the phone is assigning songs as ringtones for each of my contacts. Well, all these songs are going off at the same time. I jerk up in bed (still dreaming) and when I realize it's my phone, I grab it, and I see on the outside...streams of missed call and message notices just screaming by. I open the darn thing, and that circle of contacts starts spinning around at 60 cycles or something and then it begins stopping at each of my contacts and their heads pop out of the phone in 3D and they are each chewing my arse for missing their calls. One after the other... and jumping all over my case.
I ride a bicycle to work, so one of my favs is the weather man so I can see what I'm riding into as I'm getting up. As this one comes up (it's just a palm tree icon since I have no idea what the guy really looks like) the voice is telling me "GET UP" just as I wake up and realize I was dreaming. THe lasting impression is the heads of my parents, wife and kids popping out of that phone and chewing on me....pretty darn funny though really.
So I'm trying to be a better phone-circle "friend" now.

Well, Sweet Sparkling Yellow Dreams to Yah!!!!